Bittrex - anybody else get a Proof of Debt email?

Notice to Creditors - Proof of Debt Reminder
I’d forgotten about Bittrex, but fair play they(or their liquidators) wrote to me today asking if I agreed with their assessment of what I was owed.
I actually cannot remember what I lost on Bittrex, fairly sure I got it all out before the doors closed finally.
So I was happy enough to agree that they owed me a total of ~£0.50 for BTC USDT and ADA dust.

Hope the rest of you with larger debts get yours soon.

Of course agreeing what is owed and actually being paid out is two entirely different things…


I got one… for about $0.003 or something :laughing:

Thankfully they gave a long notice period, so very few should have lost too much… at least nothing they won’t miss!

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