works well for both, no real limit to group call count, no time limit, you can adjust the video resolution to what ever you want, audio is excellent too.
Very interesting. Do you run your own server? I’d like to (eventually) set up my own server for the webcam classes I do, and was thinking Jami, Matrix, or Jitsi. If you’ve set up a server, do share your experience
no I just run JAMI to speak to a few key people in my team privately , one is in Central America, voice and video works great Peer 2 Peer. If we were bigger and had large groups like what you are doing, I would certainly set up a Turn server to scale up streaming for concurrent live groups… right now, I just use the multi Turn server WAN mesh the Savoir Faire Linux has operating in North America. (big swarrn events)
more info Savoir-faire Linux on LinkedIn: #eoss24 #embeddedossummit #seattle #yoctoproject #vscode #opensource
Interesting app. I haven’t tried it yet
I’ve to people promoting it. Their terms and conditions of app usage is in direct conflict of how they claim the app works. That alone is either stupid, suspicious or outright deceptive.
Interesting. I did start to get suspicious when i saw tether was behind it.
Have they open sourced it yet?
Thanks. Simplex looks nice, Has anyone here tested it?
yes its pretty sweet I had a play with it a while back
yes @dirvine approves
Voice worked well first time , very impressed. I’d still use it myself if I get around to putting it on my new phone.
using the terminal CLI…
pass this invitation link to your contact (via another channel):
and ask them to connect: /c <invitation_link_above>
I may not answer immediately
yeah it works well. a few small bugs and more features would be nice, but it is very new so I am impressed with what they have built so far.
Just had a couple of small telegram groups move over since the arrest and no problems so far.
The QR code does not work to connect to you for me.
Here would be mine.
Thats coming up as an invalid link
Maybe its not working as well as we thought?
It only works on devices where the app is installed, but I might have done an error.
But even with open source because of complexity it can be very difficult to find issues apparently. AI will hopefully help with that.
Its a platform with Big VC funding, doesn’t pass the distributed ‘no server’ FOSS test for peer 2 peer communications, even though the security method is cool, and could be in theory because its FOSS (one needs to checkthe licensing on this) re-purpose/injected into other true peer2peer communications platforms , close but ‘no cigar’ imo ;/