Safe Net and Telegram?

Hi, given the constant and seemingly unstoppable rise in popularity in Telegram due to their very strong stance on privacy and anonymity I was wondering: They have a ton of problems with the hosting of their data centers due to government surveillance, and the SAFE network seems to have an issue messaging and idk if it has managed to setup VoIP yet on the test network? Has the possibility of merging the two projects been considered before?


Great idea!


Not merging but we did do voip in the past. What we have is secure signalling, this means ability to connect 2 clients securely and decentralised. So voice/video in Safe is easy and secured via constantly changing STUN “servers”


Telegram seems too far removed from Safe. They don’t even encrypt everything. I think a better comparison would be Session and its closely-related project Lokinet.

If Safe could learn whatever lessons Lokinet has to offer, and become a better alternative, that would be awesome.

But, with regards to messengers, Safe is a new paradigm; I think it would make sense to make something new on the messenger front, using the advantages that Safe offers, rather than try to adapt pre-Safe software.


One would think, that such very basic software like chat came to perfection in early days of internet.

Close to perfection arguably, but there has always been several elements missing from every implementation. Even in Session, I can’t figure out how to make an account without downloading the app, and it doesn’t seem to have a Pidgin plugin which means it’s yet another program that wants to run all the time, and these are problems that I don’t think Safe can really help with.

Not talking about new solutions impossible to exist in pre maidsafe era.

Not sure what you mean by this.

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