Another explanation of why privacy is so important: surveillance diminishes us because privacy is fundamental to our autonomy. Simples! By Mike Lynch:
The philosophy of privacy: why surveillance reduces us to objects
Another explanation of why privacy is so important: surveillance diminishes us because privacy is fundamental to our autonomy. Simples! By Mike Lynch:
The philosophy of privacy: why surveillance reduces us to objects
Thanks, Mark.
This gives some insights on stuff I’ve been wrestling with putting “on paper”.
Just to mention, RE Conservatives getting in. I just heard that the first order of business is that the Home Secretary will be pressing ahead with their Data and Communications Bill (snooper’s Cherter) now that (to paraphrase) “The Lib Dems are no longer around to prevent it anymore.”
The War begins…the gloves are off…
Cry “Freedom” and let slip the Ants of War!
Across the pond Fed court just found PRISM illegal and core provision of Patriot act on domestic snooping , as have the people, but McConnel is pushing to extend it. We need protection from the people pushing this stuff because they intend to use it on us.
There is a species of ants that enslaves other ants. Perish the thought.
Haven’t pounded my knee like that in a long time! Thanks, Al.