Are "What's up today?" and "Watch this video" in the wrong category?

This is my thought process about it:

  1. The original posts state any topic is allowed: “You can share here everything about crypto or anything else that attracts your attention.” and “You can share here everything about crypto, science, society or anything else that attracts your attention, and that you found worthwhile watching.”.
  2. The Community category does not state that any topic is allowed: “Topics relevant to the SAFE Network community.”.
  3. The Off-Topic category states that any topic is allowed: “Topics about politics, philosophy and anything else.”.

There is a clash here, where the original posts state “talk about anything”, while the category the threads are in state “don’t talk about anything”. So the original post and the thread category should be made to align with each other.

There are two obvious ways to fix this discrepancy:

  1. Edit the original posts to only allow for talking about stuff that’s related to the community category which they are in (or not state it at all since this is implied by the category).
  2. Move the topics to the Off-Topic category.


Why do you think that moving these topics to another category would make people unable to interact naturally on these forums? The topics are still there, just in the correct category.

To my understanding, currently there are no boundaries to the topics in these threads that people are able to cross (except for rules of course) since all topics are allowed, no?

The mute feature sure is useful, but probably not relevant to this discussion. :slight_smile: