Are Safecoins exchange specific, like Mt.Gox BTC?

Yes. So if you worry about that don’t keep there all of your coins. Withdraw the part you don’t need to a wallet you have access to without anyone’s permission.
Personally I’m not doing that because it’s not convenient, I’m just sharing best practices :-).

That’s not true. See What if? You could lock a Bitcoin in a Safecoin? - #7 by 19eddyjohn75.

Not true.

How do you think everyone else gets their MaidSafe to MasterXchange (and out)?

Edit: you can’t buy/sell a Bitcoin on distributed exchange faster than it takes to get 6 (or say 3) confirmations on the Bitcoin blockchain, that’s why it’s irrelevant if you have a MaidSafe distributed exchange (on which you can buy/sell SAFE for BTC) that works “faster”.