APP Developer Rewards (Discussion)

I agree. For the most part I’m even against having devs having 10% hardcoded into the system, not because I don’t think devs or the foundation shouldn’t be supported or rewarded, but for the same reason I’m against taxation and for the obvious reasons that are coming up here in the discussion about PtP. Content creation is subject to subjective and social values as is it’s monetary reward, and code just like art or porn is a form of content creation. If the network is to reward content creators then there needs to be network wide consensus as to what content is worth and as has been pointed out there are different kinds of content which are of relatively, and subjectively, different values to different people. In short we do not all value the same stuff the same way and therefore cannot come to consensus as to how much the network should, or even if, pay content creators for their work.

This is also why I think the system should be voluntary rather than mandatory. That users be allowed the option to elect to devote x percentage of their farming rewards to y contributor. Whether this would be best done at the network or app level is up for debate.