Dear MaidSafe community,
Spells of Genesis (SoG) would like to release a blockchain-based trading card dedicated to MaidSafe.
EverdreamSoft, the Swiss based game studio, maker of their first iOS & Android Game Moonga and now SoG has already made cards dedicated to numerous Bitcoin and Blockchain related projects such as: Ethereum, Storj, Counterparty, Swarm, OpenBazaar, Augur, ShapeShift, GetGems, Clef, Ripple, LTB, Litecoin, Dogecoin and more. You can see all the cards available so far here. There are many more cards for many more projects in the making but we won’t spoil the surprise until they are released.
You can also test the Spells of Genesis beta at (WebGL). It is also available for Android and iOS on request by emailing The game is set to be fully released sometime in April.
MaidSafe is a well known project with a thriving and supporting community and we will be honoured to have the opportunity to promote the project to the gaming community and non with a gorgeous looking card.
We would like to see what kind of support we receive before going ahead hence why this post. We would also like to understand how you would like the character of the card to be represented, the setting, the text to go with the card, so please post your ideas below. Feel free to be as creative and funny as you like, we want to make sure you guys are happy with the final drawing.
Once we get a good idea on how to go about it we will post sketches and we will make you choose which one you like best, we can then finalize the card and release. Also if you like the idea or not feel free to show your support by posting below.
It would be great to get in touch with someone from the marketing team, as we’d like to cross promote the card on our end and your end, feel free to PM me and I’ll get back to you. The card has no cost for MaidSafe however we ask to promote it on your channels once is released, if possible.
We want to hear your feedback, thank you in advance for reading this.