Anybody up for a blockchain-based MaidSafe Trading Card for Spells of Genesis?

Just for fun, check this out. You’ll need the SAFE Launcher to view my card game site link below. Yes, I actually made “physical” card games awhile back. Unfortunately, they did not get as popular, since online “digital” cards are the new trend. But I thought it would be fun to post my site on SAFE.


I’m no longer making card games and my time is so thin right now with other things… mainly consulting other APP projects for SAFE, and our farming operation co-op. But that’s not until vaults are released.


Thanks for sharing! Will check it out! Don’t give up can always try again or something new maybe?

On another note are there any existing images of ants in MaidSafe marketing material, website or channels? Just to see how they like to represent them?

Just saw this for the T-Shirt design:

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One of our forum members @we_advance has created several ant images, I’m sure he can send you the source file for something you’d be interested in emulating.

Just look up threads with the title “Open Invite Ants” and you’ll find his images. Here’s one…

This is my favorite!

I don’t know of any Ant images from MaidSafe other than Project SAFE stuff.


I think we got the idea, shouldn’t be hard to get something on theme. I have also contacted the team on their contact page on the .net will see what they say.

Dear all, we have the go ahead from the MaidSafe team, our illustrators will prepare some sketches for the card and we will post them here for you to choose from. Thanks for the feedback so far. Looking forward to this. :grin: