I’m wondering if it is worth creating a farming resource based around different equipment. This could be separate blogs, a single website, or a section of the wiki or safenetwork.org. If we can standardise, it might be good to create a stand alone website, but first we have to create the guides, and we means YOU!
I commit to creating and maintaining a how to guide for Odroid U3 (how to set up security, install a vault and get farming Safecoin, how to automate monitoring etc.). I’m willing to collaborate or step aside if others want to do Odroid U3, so don’t let me get in your way if this is something you want to do!
Would you be willing to commit to doing this for dedicated hardware such as Raspberry Pi, Beaglebone etc. and for generic but common platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux)?
If you’d be interested, please mention any platforms you might be willing to create support for.
Note: this topic is just for coordinating creation of farming guides. Please don’t discuss farming or merits of different hardware etc here - just “Reply on linked topic” if you want to do that. Thanks
It’s great that you are up for doing some Debian packaging.
Would you consider being an official Debian package maintainer? Or is that too much commitment?
As I understand it, if there is an official Debian package in Sid, it’s much more likely to make it into the repos of derivatives such as Ubuntu. As well as being available in projects like FreedomBox - Debian Wiki
I’m hoping for pictures, lots of pictures! These tutorials should be very simple and comprehensive. A five year old with a mild degree of interest should be able to follow these tutorials with ease. If all goes well, we can petition the devs to integrate them into some sort of introduction page or pop up for new users.
I would be please to be a farmer with providing to the network.
-2 HD : 1.5 and 3 TB Sata/64 mb WD Green
-Connection : Down 100 mb, Up 5 mb and Ping 10 ms
Which low energy PC would be good to use, a Raspberry maybee.
What else do i need to be an happy farmer.
Thank you in advance.
We’re still in the testing phase of the network. Over time, various features will be added. Safecoin will be one of them. Safecoin is - as you might have already discovered - the network currency that will be used to regulate resources like decentralized storage. Once safecoin is implemented, we will be better able to asses the resource requirements to effectively run a vault. Vault testing will commence soon, but the initial implementation will likely give poor indication of minimum hardware requirements. I suggest you wait at least 3 months before investing in any dedicated farming system. Use what you have immediately available for now. Hope that helps!
Things are moving quickly so keep checking back weekly. Especially on Tuesday evenings when the development team submits their weekly updates. This is going to be a wild ride!!
“Use what you have immediately available for now. Hope that helps!”
Yes It does. I have HDs and a good connexion and my everyday PC and another one.
There is a new Raspberry Pi 3 just out with a little price
Yes on Tuesday.
I have been following the saga for a long time now, as I’m in vacations I’m ready to cooperate as much I can, have time to install my little farm in France with a fast connexion