We really need to get Sir Tim on board

This has been said before but bears repeating I think :slight_smile:

As soon as we have a fully functional network I hope MaidSafe can get it and David in front of Sir Tim. He’s becoming more vocal and high profile, and everything he’s advocating is aligned with SAFEnetwork.

In this interview he tackles privacy, net neutrality, re-decentralisation, and worries about those who can afford it buying services that shield themselves and their children from advertising while the rest remain vulnerable and exploited. With SAFEnetwork there is the possibility of addressing all these and more - for everyone - so I think he could be a great help even if he doesn’t want to ensure a particular route.


Liked on here, liked and RT’d on Twitter.
If you like this from @happybeing then get onto your twitter and RT https://twitter.com/markhughes/status/849921292102926344


Retweeted. He is working on his own similar project. https://solid.mit.edu

Definitely alignment on values. But is the tech compatible? Would Safe not be seen as a competing solution?


Thanks Willie, I deleted that tweet to fix sir Tim’s Twitter handle, here’s the replacement:




<padding> some padding</padding>

Maybe he’s making some decentralized google with many +++ to cooperate with safe :grinning:
To much dreaming I think :grinning:


If he truly cares about making the internet safe and decentralised, the he wouldn’t be threatened by other projects–like SAFE–that are working to do the same thing.

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depending on how his project is funded that may be a big ‘if’

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He doesn’t strike me as the sort of bloke who’s motivated by money, but just imagine what his inbox looks like!

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Once the Maidsafe project gets established, privacy advocates will be breaking down Maidsafe’s door and then David and Nick can decide who they want to partner with. Until then we have to be very careful who we partner with because the Maidsafe project will only be as good as its weakest link.

In the meantime, Sir Tim will do the great things he is doing, and Maidsafe will do the great things they are doing. And I will be cheerleading it all.

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I think they won’t have to, because it will be so easy for anyone to just integrate themselves for all the benefits.

I think the main reason to seek them out would be to thank them :slight_smile:


I think it has to be realized that post employer (trying to control people with money) and post state is coming now, this next phase of the internet is what comes next. The internet is already the most important institution in the world.

People talk about the control problem with AI. Part of this is worry by those in power, but honesly control is the problem. Try to control someone else and you enslave yourself. Its a projective fool’s errand. Its so bad that if you are obsessed even with controlling your own life you’re probably trying to control others on some level and hence self enslavement. Friendship and trust is what we seek and not the delusion of control, manipulation and fear.


That last sentence was epic! Bravo. :clap: :clap:


nWould be great but isnt he doing his own thing? I Imagine he knows all about SAFE…

Solid is a different project.
That’s why I was asking about the integration of Solid to SafeNetwork on this thread: https://forum.autonomi.community/t/tim-berners-lees-solid-on-safenetwork/

For those who aren’t really sure about what Solid is about, watch this:

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Wonder if he will reply. I will keep checking.

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