Want to try testnets but unsure?

Thread to gather resources for beginners.

I’ll make this a wiki when I less drunk = its all @Neiks fault


hey @Pegasus
are you in Windows Mac or Linux?
What can we do to make it easier/ less intimidating for you for you?

There is NO shame in failing - there IS shame in not trying to work out how you failed…
But always remember, the only stupid Q is the one you didnt ask - we were all absolute newbies at this once and we havent forgotten how it was.
Ask for help and it will be given.


I can vouch for this, there is always a more experienced community member willing to give up their time to help us novices :+1:t2:


Mainly Windows. Last year I bought a Pi4 for the first time and followed some threads on the forum to see how to install Safe on the Pi.

It’s in a drawer now, maybe time to dust off, if we can already run the current test nets on the Pi. If not on a Windows machine…


hey @Pegasus
are you in Windows Mac or Linux?
What can we do to make it easier/ less intimidating for you for you?

There is NO shame in failing - there IS shame in not trying to work out how you failed…
But always remember, the only stupid Q is the one you didnt ask - we were all absolute newbies at this once and we havent forgotten how it was.
Ask for help and it will be given.


hello, I would also like to participate in the next test, but I have no idea at all, I already tried to join previous tests but I didn’t even know where I had to paste the code😅, the truth is that I feel bad asking to not annoy the community… but if someone could make a mini guide for dummies i would certainly appreciate it. i use a mac


first things first

Are you OK working at the command line aka CLI ?
cos thats where any scripts will get run from.

@Pegasus dust off the Pi and fire it up

both of you type curl and see what happens. Try to install curl if you dont have it yet.
Tell us how you get on or that you know all this already :slight_smile:


Or on Windows use Powershell

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cool! thanks, that’s what she couldn’t find. So I understand that once the command line is open, I have to paste the code that is provided in the test post? would i be ready to join?


More or less :slight_smile:
but if you are not 100% ready to join,you are in a better place to learn and get help.

Play about with the command line, cut and paste stuff, explore some commands - its a whole new world…


For me, I’m a very monkey see…monkey do sort of a person. A video on a point-click-type basis would be very helpful. Just to get going. Preferably from the point of opening a windows command line because that way I’d know there were few assumptions about my tech literacy or knowledge.

That would be a very cool late xmas prezzie.


I have been thinking about doing this. Just need to motivate past the thinking part :smiley:


That would be great, and its appreciated that time is precious.

Sometimes i procrastinate over things because I worry about doing a quality job and before I know it something easy has become a massive high production value project.

It really could just be as simple as a silent screencast of joining the next test from a windows machine. If its slow enough it will be easy to see what to do and follow.

I hope i’m not hassling here, apologies if so and thanks for even considering.


I was wrong about Powershell, you have to use Linux Subsystem to use it for Bash CLI commands. Here’s the simplest way for Windows.

  1. Download and install Gitforwindows selecting the default options when asked https://gitforwindows.org/

  2. Open the app (it’s called Git bash)

3) Copy the line beginning ‘curl’ from the OP and paste it into the terminal (right click / paste)
4) Click enter and the Safe software should install

5) Close the terminal and open a new one
6) Copy/paste the other commands from the OP in order

7) Now you have Safe installed and are connected to the network. You can upload and download files.
8) If you want to store chunks as a network node you need to follow the relevant instructions on the OP. For many people this will be tricky because their router will need to be configured.


Just FYI, I updated the documenation recently for installation and setup:

For Windows, you only need to use Git Bash if you want to run the install script. Otherwise, you can download and extract the Windows binary and put it somewhere that’s on PATH (or add a new location to PATH). Not sure either one of these is really easier than the other. Having to install a Linux emulation system is a bad experience for Windows users.

We should definitely do a Powershell script for installation, or I also think it would be cool for us to have a Chocolatey package.


Mmm chocolate …

I think using the install script is easiest. Adding a location to PATH is an extra fiddle, as is finding and downloading the right binary to the right place.

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A Linux emulation environment is a huge dependency just for the sake of running a little script. We should have the equivalent for Powershell.


Ideally yes, I agree.


You’ll need to run [Git Bash] as an administrative user.

I don’t think so. I’m running as a normal user.

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