@Blindsite2k I’ve had a touch of experience with this lately and I can maybe help answer your questions, at least 1-3. Easiest answered all together, rather than separately.
As she said above, this is based on the Google cardboard, only better. Cardboard and this are entry level viewers which make VR experiences available to most everyone. From my poking around with apps, though, I can see that it could have a lot of day-to-day uses for some people, probably more and more if VR catches on as it looks like it may start to this year.
It’s not the highest level experience, but you’re not paying $600-$800 for Oculus Rift or the other higher end stuff (plus needing a very powerful desktop to drive them).
Not designed or “teched-up” for hours of first person shooter or full-throttle racing experiences that I’m sure you’re interested in (knowing you’re a MMOG enthusiast).
I think some of the cardboards may come with a head strap, but it’s not the sort of thing you’ll want to wear that long at a time, probably. It’s not that type of thing. Better to hold it as you need it, and take it away easily. I don’t think I’d want to have a device at this level strapped on. This is not that level of complete immersion that a real gamer would go for.
This is more for educational, virtual tourism, real estate prospecting, simple games, etc. I took some 360 pix of my living room and outside my front door, and emailed them to a friend who’d never been here to see what my hideaway is like. That’s actually a pretty cool experience.
Aerodynamics? Really? Planning to dash around the room whipsawing you neck to follow the monsters?
No, not heavy. It’s cardboard. What makes this one different (if you watch the video) is the enhancements: cleanable finish so it doesn’t soak up oils from you hands (and especially forehead) my Google cardboard started looking less than perfect pretty quickly even with light use due to forehead oil, and I’m not a teen oozing such.
Also, other improvements look pretty cool: 1. the nose piece is cushioned and cleanable, they say. The Google equivalent is just a cardboard edge–good cardboard, mind you, but absorbent and sharp. 2. the micro-suction material sounds pretty cool. The google equiv wraps a rubber band around the area where the phone sits and that gives friction to hold it. Not too bad, but not elegant, either, and I’m sure not nearly as good at securing the phone.
On what happens if you get a call? Good question. I’ve been using an older one that I don’t have service hooked up on.
EDIT: Looks like a good improvement. I’m likely to use this sort of VR from time to time and want to have a good viewer, so I ordered a couple of these. Cheers.