Vdash - dashboard for Autonomi nodes

Having slight problems, trying to stop nodes that are inactive but the number for a safenode* that Vdash shows as inactive does not seem to be the same as the number when removing nodes.

Also does anyone know where to find info about the node node number, wallet, earnings, is it in logs or somewhere else.

The number vdash shows is the ordering that the log file names are fed to it.

Could try and echo the file parameter sent to vdash and see what order the file expansion is giving vdash

Thanks, I don’t know how to do that. Can I build a crawler that finds the same info, is it in the logs?

Take the file parameter you are specifying on the vdash command and do a echo command

eg if you start vdash with

./vdash ~/.local/share/safe/node//logs/.log

then do

echo ~/.local/share/safe/node//logs/.log

Then do counting. first file is number 1 next file is number 2 and so on

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I think you may need to put backticks around those!


Thanks that kind of worked. The problem might be that Vdash load nodes not in number order but in a little different order example like 6,7,8,9,110,11,12… So that gives that they show a different number in Vdash then the nodes real number.

@happybeing I don’t know if you have the time or energy to fix the issue but if you do it, it would be very appreciated.

The best fix would be in safenode-manager. We keep asking.


In the individual view of a node you can press ‘L’ and it will show you the log file it is using.


I only see attos, memory and such when pressing L, not information on number of the safenode. is possible to see that info? Wait, I think I saw it now, over the white log window. Thanks, you reduced some of my last days headache.


There’s a new version of vdash (0.19.0) but the only changes from v0.18.1 are to the readme, so no need to update if you already have that.

I can’t believe they waiting until the middle of Maigret :male_detective: to do the reset - this is a conspiracy!


Enjoy Maigret!

But it seems there is some work to do when you get a minute for another release. RAM is showing as 0.

Thanks! Yes, several things are missing. This will be because:

  • they have changed the format of some log messages (fixable with a release)
  • or removed them (not fixable)
  • or that some messages are no longer output by default and need a RUST_LOG=<something> setting when starting a node, to enable them.

vdash will I think be deprecated unless people really still want it, because of the switch to using the metrics RPCs and reduce / eliminate node logs over time.

So this isn’t a priority for me but investigating it and fixing it is well within the capabilities of others:

  • check if the log messages vdash uses are still in the logs
  • if not, are they still in the antnode code? In which case setting RUST_LOG should be able to fix.
  • etc

I will look at some point because I still use it myself, but have other things that are going to be much more useful. I’ve been poorly so have not done anything for over a week and won’t have much time over Christmas.


Vdash is a lifesaver in knowing if the nodes are running or not, it would be a hard blow if it won’t be functioning until launch at least.

It’s really useful to see at a glance if the wee bustards are earning or not, if one has gone mad with RAM or if the errors are extreme. I know there ought to be more sophisticated tools for those who are running hundreds and that some don’t need it if they are just running a couple but it’s great for those in between.


Due to polite demands vdash has restored display of Atto earnings :tada: and RAM so to update:

cargo install vdash

Missing logfile info

@Chriso I can no longer find data in the logfiles for the following, though I haven’t been able to look very hard. Any help would be appreciated:

  • Storecost / records stored / max records
    These used to be in a log message which is no longer in the code: “Cost is now”. I found this but don’t see a storecost in it:
    [2024-12-19T17:58:42.864979Z DEBUG ant_node::quote 41] Created payment quote for NetworkAddress::ChunkAddress(9a2d2f - 9433350842d3446bf4bb25cb07f20d8631ea6ede829d87a374ac40614dd8e0c8): PaymentQuote { content: 9a2d2f(10011010).., timestamp: SystemTime { tv_sec: 1734631122, tv_nsec: 864953232 }, quoting_metrics: QuotingMetrics { close_records_stored: 1, max_records: 16384, received_payment_count: 0, live_time: 4689, network_density: Some(33829281076393627547655657317307853237878253436678989034144847482725148739352), network_size: Some(25) }, rewards_address: 0x5fbdb2315678afecb367f032d93f642f64180aa3 }

EDIT: with v0.19.2 I think we’re only missing Storecost now


Get well soon I know the feeling

I found copious amounts of mandarins, bananas and beer to help somewhat


Thanks. The way you can measure my misery is that I haven’t felt like drinking in over a week and haven’t eaten much either. On the mend now though, curry tonight in an attempt to jump start my digestive system.



Only storecost is missing now I believe.


What is the 41 here? I don’t recall there being a number here.

/merics is not showing wallet balance nor forward balance, they show as always zero even though the value field is there. Also the storecost value field has been removed from /metrics

Something to do with the module or file generating the message. It isn’t part of the message from the code.

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