Using addresses as regular filesystem objects

3ed354ecf1834c4692971b73445bc61f64208481b96385e571866c06efc8b09c is a dir named test containing two files, file1.txt and file2.txt.

I can run ant file download 3ed354ecf1834c4692971b73445bc61f64208481b96385e571866c06efc8b09c . to retrieve the directory and that’s good.

I’d like to be able to run ant file download 3ed354ecf1834c4692971b73445bc61f64208481b96385e571866c06efc8b09c/file1.txt . to retrieve file1.txt, just as with the web we can make a direct GET for

What do others think?

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I’m not able to download that dir. Connectivity issues again it seems. (Autonomi Client v0.3.2).

ant file download 3ed354ecf1834c4692971b73445bc61f64208481b96385e571866c06efc8b09c .
Logging to directory: "/home/user/.local/share/autonomi/client/logs/log_2025-01-07_21-11-52"
   0: Failed to get EVM network: Failed to obtain EVM Network through any means


Backtrace omitted. Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display it.
Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=full to include source snippets.


file1.txt contains “one”
and I’ll let youse all guess what file2.txt contains…

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one plus one

Did I win the prize :upside_down_face:

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No that is not correct, even though it is…

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Not fair. Why can’t I play? Here’s the tail of the client log if anyone’s interested. Relevant line probably: External address manager is disabled for this node.


[2025-01-07T22:48:34.509308Z INFO ant_bootstrap::initial_peers 155] Loading bootstrap addresses from cache
[2025-01-07T22:48:34.520755Z INFO ant_bootstrap::initial_peers 169] Returning early as enough bootstrap addresses are found
[2025-01-07T22:48:34.521797Z INFO ant_bootstrap::cache_store 153] Creating new CacheStore with config: BootstrapCacheConfig { addr_expiry_duration: 86400s, max_peers: 1500, max_addrs_per_peer: 6, cache_file_path: “/home/user/.local/share/autonomi/bootstrap_cache/bootstrap_cache_1_0.3.json”, disable_cache_writing: false, min_cache_save_duration: 300s, max_cache_save_duration: 86400s, cache_save_scaling_factor: 2 }
[2025-01-07T22:48:34.521977Z INFO ant_networking::driver 497] Process (PID: 2943) with PeerId: 12D3KooWQf2rWfMbg9zM7UHEhaEe4x45NwNQWFgtaCZWDFzhRShy
[2025-01-07T22:48:34.522082Z INFO ant_networking::driver 501] Self PeerID 12D3KooWQf2rWfMbg9zM7UHEhaEe4x45NwNQWFgtaCZWDFzhRShy is represented as kbucket_key 824924239d425f1acb67422deb74defdd00f2dba2c3ba7e292f116d88b437938
[2025-01-07T22:48:34.524501Z INFO ant_networking::driver 576] Building request response with “/ant/0.3/1”
[2025-01-07T22:48:34.526588Z INFO ant_networking::driver 648] Building Identify with identify_protocol_str: “ant/0.3/1” and identify_protocol_str: “ant/0.3/1”
[2025-01-07T22:48:34.526772Z INFO ant_networking::driver 709] Relay manager is disabled for this node.
[2025-01-07T22:48:34.526810Z INFO ant_networking::driver 717] External address manager is disabled for this node.

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