Upload tests

ant file cost xxx.epub
A couple of first tried → not enought quotes
3rd time success (24 ants)

ant file upload -p xxx.epub
→ Could not load EVM network from environment

Will finish some studying and new test later… I assume I need to link my ant wallet somehow.

It’s a known issue that the team are investigating:

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Succeeded. Here is something to download:
pg2600-images-3.epub: 90b26b8eee9f2562591fb6b19cb9d2b831ec5b6dbf64d8872b8fdcccdbf3ba3c


Hanging on “Connecting to the Autonomi Network” for me (ant v0.3.1).

Tail of the log:


[2024-12-31T18:27:46.602848Z INFO ant_networking::event 238] New peer added to routing table: PeerId(“12D3KooWHR3fN53Nk1dVX1DxSDKtPNAiibXDiTF1ty2TCs3iHh5U”), now we have #10 connected peers
[2024-12-31T18:27:46.602854Z DEBUG ant_bootstrap::cache_store 276] Trying to add new addr: /ip4/
[2024-12-31T18:27:46.602860Z DEBUG ant_bootstrap::cache_store 304] Added new peer /ip4/, performing cleanup of old addrs
[2024-12-31T18:27:46.602865Z INFO ant_networking::event 334] Peer PeerId(“12D3KooWHR3fN53Nk1dVX1DxSDKtPNAiibXDiTF1ty2TCs3iHh5U”) has a Some(255) distance to us
[2024-12-31T18:27:46.602872Z INFO ant_networking::event 363] kBucketTable has 2 kbuckets 10 peers, [(0, 2, 254), (1, 8, 255)], estimated network size: 11
[2024-12-31T18:27:46.602907Z INFO ant_networking::event::kad 259] kad_event::RoutingUpdated 10: PeerId(“12D3KooWHR3fN53Nk1dVX1DxSDKtPNAiibXDiTF1ty2TCs3iHh5U”), is_new_peer: true old_peer: None
[2024-12-31T18:27:46.602941Z TRACE autonomi::client 341] Peer added: 10 in routing table
[2024-12-31T18:27:46.603813Z ERROR autonomi::client::address 21] Failed to decode hex string: OddLength


Took a while for me too, maybe a minute, then it succeeded.

Btw, thanks to @aatonnomicc for coins and advices!

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Yeah worked for me in the end. It’s been so long since I last downloaded anything I got the command wrong. duh

Nice bit of light reading for the evening.

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I also can’t get uploads to work. Yes, I did import a wallet! Interestingly, I get the same error when trying to use a wallet created with ant wallet create that clearly isn’t going to work because there will be no balance.

The application panicked (crashed).
Message:  Could not load EVM network from environment: FailedToGetEvmNetwork("Failed to obtain EVM Network through any means")
Location: ant-cli/src/wallet/fs.rs:113

Backtrace omitted. Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display it.
Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=full to include source snippets.

I’ve also tried using one of my own nodes as a peer as well with the same result.

So I’ll just keep my powder dry, accumulate more attos and find more things to download when it is possible.

I don’t know how other people are managing it.

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I get a little further but it times out…

willie@gagarin:~$ ant file download 90b26b8eee9f2562591fb6b19cb9d2b831ec5b6dbf64d8872b8fdcccdbf3ba3c pg2600-images-3.epub
Logging to directory: "/home/willie/.local/share/autonomi/client/logs/log_2025-01-05_00-02-40"
🔗 Connected to the Network                                                                                                                                                  Error: 
   0: Failed to fetch data from address
   1: General networking error: GetRecordError(QueryTimeout)
   2: GetRecord Query Error QueryTimeout
   3: Network query timed out


Backtrace omitted. Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display it.
Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=full to include source snippets.

my log ends with

[2025-01-05T00:05:12.366724Z ERROR ant_networking::event::swarm 435] Dial errors len : 1
[2025-01-05T00:05:12.366727Z ERROR ant_networking::event::swarm 438] OutgoingTransport error : Other(Custom { kind: Other, error: Right(Custom { kind: Other, error: Custom { kind: Other, error: HandshakeTimedOut } }) })
[2025-01-05T00:05:12.366741Z WARN ant_networking::event::swarm 477] Problematic error encountered: Custom { kind: Other, error: Right(Custom { kind: Other, error: Custom { kind: Other, error: HandshakeTimedOut } }) }
[2025-01-05T00:05:12.366746Z WARN ant_networking::event::swarm 525] Tracking issue of PeerId("12D3KooWP7siGChYWvvAnfxYnFDv19yckbnYeHxteGzDZ6U2zxix"). Clearing it out for now
[2025-01-05T00:05:13.389629Z ERROR ant_networking::event::kad 83] GetClosest Query task QueryId(12) errored with Timeout { key: [0, 32, 10, 126, 10, 64, 202, 44, 170, 81, 48, 7, 231, 112, 213, 72, 155, 231, 207, 199, 208, 69, 91, 175, 153, 180, 237, 230, 146, 116, 76, 163, 114, 169], peers: [PeerInfo { peer_id: PeerId("12D3KooWFoa3Ba7d14mUB73YKwphR31YriY9NzvG83ie9fEALr4a"), addrs: [/ip4/] }, PeerInfo { peer_id: PeerId("12D3KooWCcsTW74UTxjnrG3AcuG643kRi7CkFruERAbsVv1BTBtA"), addrs: [/ip4/] }, PeerInfo { peer_id: PeerId("12D3KooWMWGvjcidxBB8RpBX6LTbH4kabawLwnvHs5zkRdWpNfus"), addrs: [/ip4/] }, PeerInfo { peer_id: PeerId("12D3KooWGwCJCeCedbjkagbrrs27UggdgWx8Xnd46MKLRVzBJxcS"), addrs: [/ip4/, /ip4/, /ip4/, /ip4/, /ip4/] }, PeerInfo { peer_id: PeerId("12D3KooWERXHrxPS9iTXoAqJ7gdeMCbEtYtEa9GpXx5BZ5x9VEgj"), addrs: [/ip4/] }, PeerInfo { peer_id: PeerId("12D3KooWNpXM5e2cyJoBfHDwMus9oQwR7pBPknAtTrukrV1vRygg"), addrs: [/ip4/] }, PeerInfo { peer_id: PeerId("12D3KooWSWUT2iWLJZZCHzSoyvhD47AcRMj6Xvrhbe4gnQRFvkAM"), addrs: [/ip4/] }, PeerInfo { peer_id: PeerId("12D3KooWEyvfc21U5UTAt2wGfGvT7upZxbCqa3GmZeHKAmSEdGqX"), addrs: [] }] }, QueryStats { requests: 73, success: 15, failure: 54, start: Some(Instant { tv_sec: 1439828, tv_nsec: 262647155 }), end: Some(Instant { tv_sec: 1439888, tv_nsec: 393126411 }) } - ProgressStep { count: 1, last: true }
[2025-01-05T00:05:13.401707Z DEBUG ant_bootstrap::cache_store 265] Updating addr status: /ip4/ (success: true)
[2025-01-05T00:05:13.401719Z DEBUG ant_bootstrap::cache_store 269] Peer not found in cache to update: /ip4/
[2025-01-05T00:05:13.473905Z DEBUG ant_bootstrap::cache_store 265] Updating addr status: /ip4/ (success: true)
[2025-01-05T00:05:13.512090Z WARN ant_networking::event::kad 612] Get record task QueryId(15) for db2ae5(daf95fe008578902ad018179ef91d2f6365b07e4d0938d3b30614fcf38256923) returned insufficient responses. {} did not return record
[2025-01-05T00:05:13.512137Z ERROR ant_networking 589] Encountered query timeout for db2ae5(daf95fe008578902ad018179ef91d2f6365b07e4d0938d3b30614fcf38256923).
[2025-01-05T00:05:13.512149Z ERROR autonomi::client::data::public 129] Error fetching chunk: GetRecordError(QueryTimeout)
[2025-01-05T00:05:13.512154Z ERROR autonomi::client::utils 40] Error fetching chunk db2ae5(11011011)..: Network(GetRecordError(QueryTimeout))
[2025-01-05T00:05:13.512159Z ERROR autonomi::client::utils 47] Error fetching chunk db2ae5(11011011)..: Network(GetRecordError(QueryTimeout))

hundreds of this kind of pattern repeated

[2025-01-05T00:05:09.025934Z ERROR ant_networking::event::swarm 435] Dial errors len : 1
[2025-01-05T00:05:09.025936Z ERROR ant_networking::event::swarm 438] OutgoingTransport error : Other(Custom { kind: Other, error: Right(Custom { kind: Other, error: Custom { kind: Other, error: HandshakeTimedOut } }) })
[2025-01-05T00:05:09.025947Z WARN ant_networking::event::swarm 477] Problematic error encountered: Custom { kind: Other, error: Right(Custom { kind: Other, error: Custom { kind: Other, error: HandshakeTimedOut } }) }
[2025-01-05T00:05:09.025950Z WARN ant_networking::event::swarm 525] Tracking issue of PeerId("12D3KooWB9SVxG1rYen1d45omqDkKEVqZY8xcfHoTgsvBAV7DAL9"). Clearing it out for now
[2025-01-05T00:05:09.026189Z WARN ant_networking::event::swarm 423] OutgoingConnectionError to PeerId("12D3KooWAppjqwZuqBeoL8ssNqHWQtUpjwvxFQzqpG14JsxjhhpA") on ConnectionId(8547) - Transport([(/ip4/, Other(Custom { kind: Other, error: Right(Custom { kind: Other, error: Custom { kind: Other, error: HandshakeTimedOut } }) }))])
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so, after you have sorted out the wallet, either with a;

ant wallet create To generate an ERC-20 address that you can fund with ANT and ETH
ant wallet import To import the private key of an existing wallet…

You will need to set the network on the command line before using the CLI

export EVM_NETWORK=arbitrum-sepolia

You will then be able to do an;

ant wallet balance

Wallet balances: 0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
| Token Balance | 3923               |
| Gas Balance   | 919538723428320000 |

And then finally, the ant file upload

The sweet spot for me on uploads has been files under 12MB in size, much more than this causes Quote errors.


Fwiw, for anyone trying to upload directories (as archives), uploading each file separately first, then uploading the directory, seems to work better.

It’s still painful. Yesterday I was trying to upload 9 files, all about 150kb or under. After about 2 hours, I was still struggling with quotes issue.

Hopefully, this will be a priority for the team to fix soon.


Thank you! Yes, that worked.

So, I got a file uploaded. Happy now!

time ant file upload -p '1984 -- George Orwell -- London, England, 2013 -- Arcturus -- 9781782124207 -- 6a9b077cacd1377b8c330f5b327d559a -- Anna’s Archive.pdf'
Logging to directory: "/home/safe/.local/share/autonomi/client/logs/log_2025-01-05_15-03-46"
🔗 Connected to the Network                                                                                             Uploading data to network...
Uploading file: "1984 -- George Orwell -- London, England, 2013 -- Arcturus -- 9781782124207 -- 6a9b077cacd1377b8c330f5b327d559a -- Anna’s Archive.pdf"
Upload completed in 84.502284685s
Successfully uploaded: 1984 -- George Orwell -- London, England, 2013 -- Arcturus -- 9781782124207 -- 6a9b077cacd1377b8c330f5b327d559a -- Anna’s Archive.pdf
At address: 9f20b4704bd9d1ed2dd0418241960db2233a5464a31dbfcd6c372a4957d9530a
Number of chunks uploaded: 9
Total cost: 27 AttoTokens

real    3m23.998s
user    0m13.959s
sys     0m17.216s

However, I have a couple of concerns.

I saw a comment earlier about someone’s router going crazy when uploads were taking place. Yes, there is a lot of traffic for a 15MB file.

That’s about a minute of 20MB/s outbound for uploading a 15MB file. I realise the chunks have to be distributed but that seems a lot.

But I think the real culprit is the number of connections. I saw a peak of 8626 connections on my MikroTik RB5009. That is a lot and will definitely cause issues on some people’s home routers.

I had stopped my nodes so this was all just Client connections.

I know the principle is to have all nodes equal but I’m wondering about the possibility of ‘Ingest Nodes’. A smaller pool of Nodes with really good connectivity for taking uploads and sending them out to the rest of the network. A Client would select some of these nodes to send the chunks to and that would limit the number of connections needed.

But maybe changing the parallelism of the uploads would help keep the number of connections down? Although I can’t see the setting for that anymore.


That was me, I think. I can’t upload when my boys are playing games online.

Interesting stats on uploads too. I’d have expected the client to upload to one or two, then let the network clone the data. Surely the client shouldn’t be expected to do that (if that is what is happening)?

Edit: i did notice that network usage was high, but hadn’t actually realised it was that high.



will restrict to single chunk uploader, although I’ve not seen much variance on the traffic you are seeing - would be interesting if that made a difference on your MikroTik graphs.


I have found something odd. Having uploaded a file earlier in the day (see above) just for a laugh I tried to obtain a cost to upload it. I expected it to be 0. However, I got a cost of 12 attos:-

time ant file cost '1984 -- George Orwell -- London, England, 2013 -- Arcturus -- 9781782124207 -- 6a9b077cacd1377b8c330f5b327d559a -- Anna’s Archive.pdf'
Logging to directory: "/home/safe/.local/share/autonomi/client/logs/log_2025-01-05_22-05-17"
🔗 Connected to the Network                                                                                             Getting upload cost...
Estimate cost to upload file: 1984 -- George Orwell -- London, England, 2013 -- Arcturus -- 9781782124207 -- 6a9b077cacd1377b8c330f5b327d559a -- Anna’s Archive.pdf
Total cost: 0.000000012

real    1m59.408s
user    0m8.417s
sys     0m8.467s

It had cost 27 attos to upload the 9 chunks.

A download of the file works fine:-

time ant file download 9f20b4704bd9d1ed2dd0418241960db2233a5464a31dbfcd6c372a4957d9530a '1984 -- George Orwell -- London, England, 2013 -- Arcturus -- 9781782124207 -- 6a9b077cacd1377b8c330f5b327d559a -- Anna’s Archive.pdf'
Logging to directory: "/home/safe/.local/share/autonomi/client/logs/log_2025-01-05_22-12-00"
🔗 Connected to the Network                                                                                             Fetching file: "1984 -- George Orwell -- London, England, 2013 -- Arcturus -- 9781782124207 -- 6a9b077cacd1377b8c330f5b327d559a -- Anna’s Archive.pdf"...
Successfully downloaded data at: 9f20b4704bd9d1ed2dd0418241960db2233a5464a31dbfcd6c372a4957d9530a

real	1m49.833s
user	0m6.400s
sys	0m8.418s

and it is the same file with the same md5sum as the original.

This seems odd.

So I tried uploading it again and that worked and cost the quoted 12 tokens for the 9 chunks:-

time ant file upload -p '1984 -- George Orwell -- London, England, 2013 -- Arcturus -- 9781782124207 -- 6a9b077cacd1377b8c330f5b327d559a -- Anna’s Archive.pdf'
Logging to directory: "/home/safe/.local/share/autonomi/client/logs/log_2025-01-05_22-26-46"
🔗 Connected to the Network                                                                                             Uploading data to network...
Uploading file: "1984 -- George Orwell -- London, England, 2013 -- Arcturus -- 9781782124207 -- 6a9b077cacd1377b8c330f5b327d559a -- Anna’s Archive.pdf"
Upload completed in 18.859359431s

Successfully uploaded: 1984 -- George Orwell -- London, England, 2013 -- Arcturus -- 9781782124207 -- 6a9b077cacd1377b8c330f5b327d559a -- Anna’s Archive.pdf
At address: f33247aed968cf728dfb498ddca89a85b51779e1799ac60c61de565e1d4bf0ba
Number of chunks uploaded: 9
Total cost: 12 AttoTokens

real    4m5.392s
user    0m23.104s
sys     0m21.029s

Then downloaded them and took the md5sum and they are the same file!

time ant file download 9f20b4704bd9d1ed2dd0418241960db2233a5464a31dbfcd6c372a4957d9530a 1
Logging to directory: "/home/safe/.local/share/autonomi/client/logs/log_2025-01-05_22-41-52"
🔗 Connected to the Network                                                                                             Fetching file: "1984 -- George Orwell -- London, England, 2013 -- Arcturus -- 9781782124207 -- 6a9b077cacd1377b8c330f5b327d559a -- Anna’s Archive.pdf"...
⠤ [00:00:03] [----------------------------------------] 0/1                                                             
Successfully downloaded data at: 9f20b4704bd9d1ed2dd0418241960db2233a5464a31dbfcd6c372a4957d9530a

real    1m49.607s
user    0m6.597s
sys     0m7.361s
safe@sn-client-01:~/downloads/download_test$ time ant file download f33247aed968cf728dfb498ddca89a85b51779e1799ac60c61de565e1d4bf0ba 2
Logging to directory: "/home/safe/.local/share/autonomi/client/logs/log_2025-01-05_22-44-14"
🔗 Connected to the Network                                                                                             Fetching file: "1984 -- George Orwell -- London, England, 2013 -- Arcturus -- 9781782124207 -- 6a9b077cacd1377b8c330f5b327d559a -- Anna’s Archive.pdf"...
Successfully downloaded data at: f33247aed968cf728dfb498ddca89a85b51779e1799ac60c61de565e1d4bf0ba

real    1m49.676s
user    0m6.464s
sys     0m7.917s
safe@sn-client-01:~/downloads/download_test$ ls -lh
total 8.0K
drwxrwxr-x 2 safe safe 4.0K Jan  5 22:43 1
drwxrwxr-x 2 safe safe 4.0K Jan  5 22:46 2
safe@sn-client-01:~/downloads/download_test$ md5sum 1
md5sum: 1: Is a directory
safe@sn-client-01:~/downloads/download_test$ md5sum 1/1984\ --\ George\ Orwell\ --\ London\,\ England\,\ 2013\ --\ Arcturus\ --\ 9781782124207\ --\ 6a9b077cacd1377b8c330f5b327d559a\ --\ Anna’s\ Archive.pdf 
6a9b077cacd1377b8c330f5b327d559a  1/1984 -- George Orwell -- London, England, 2013 -- Arcturus -- 9781782124207 -- 6a9b077cacd1377b8c330f5b327d559a -- Anna’s Archive.pdf
safe@sn-client-01:~/downloads/download_test$ md5sum 2/1984\ --\ George\ Orwell\ --\ London\,\ England\,\ 2013\ --\ Arcturus\ --\ 9781782124207\ --\ 6a9b077cacd1377b8c330f5b327d559a\ --\ Anna’s\ Archive.pdf 
6a9b077cacd1377b8c330f5b327d559a  2/1984 -- George Orwell -- London, England, 2013 -- Arcturus -- 9781782124207 -- 6a9b077cacd1377b8c330f5b327d559a -- Anna’s Archive.pdf

Is the network kind of split? So when you are uploading there is a view of the network that can think the chunks aren’t there so they are saved again?

1 Like

Unless it is a shocking coincidence, I’ve just managed to do a 20 file archive upload on a second try. That is the biggest I’ve managed by far, after fighting to upload 9 files over the last 2 days!

The process was:

  • ant file upload -x -p (this failed 1st time… I think… it’s late! ha!)
  • ant file upload -x -p / (repeated for each file via a script)
  • ant file upload -x -p (this worked 2nd time!)

What’s the difference? I’ve swapped out my Fritz!Box 7530 for a Mikrotek hAP ax3.

I’ll experiment over the next few days, but I’d be stunned if the above was a coincidence, as I’ve been bashing my head against a brick wall.


I just tried throwing an 100 MB video (MP4) file into the archive and repeated the directory upload. Lots of traffic, then I got this error:

   0: Failed to upload file
   1: Failed to upload file
   2: Error occurred during payment.
   3: Wallet error: NetworkTokenContract(ContractError(TransportError(ErrorResp(ErrorPayload { code: -32000, message: "Post \"\": context deadline exceeded", data: None }))))
   4: Network token contract error: server returned an error response: error code -32000: Post "": context deadline exceeded
   5: server returned an error response: error code -32000: Post "": context deadline exceeded

However, I just re-ran the command and within about a minute, it completed successfully! Too much of a coincidence… I’ll do more testing and maybe it relates to the time of day or some such, but this is by far the easiest upload of files I’ve had in weeks!

So, in summary, the quality of the router seems to be making a huge difference to data transfer at the moment. This is both in terms of running nodes and/or uploading files, especially archives and/or large files.


I may be wrong, but I think that the network is actually supposed to charge for repeated uploads of a pre-existing file. It’s still work for the network to do all the checks.

1 Like

What is supposed to happen is the client checks if the chunk exists. Not sure if the change over to ERC20 carried through where the node asked for a quote would return the fact they already have the chunk.

So then the client should not be uploading a chunk if enough nodes have the chunk already.


I have identified this issue where we pay for uploading the same file. When we upload a file, we upload as part of a single-file ‘archive’. This archive contains metadata for the file, like the filename and modified date. But also an ‘uploaded’ timestamp, which describes when the file was uploaded. Upon re-uploading the file, this ‘uploaded’ timestamp is updated, yielding a new archive version, requiring a re-upload/payment.

We’ll probably take out this ‘uploaded’ metadata. And, another issue was that the archive was not deterministically serialized into bytes. I.e. sometimes the archive would have the order [FILE_A, FILE_B] and sometimes [FILE_B, FILE_A], while both are the same.


I tried to upload @Dimitar 's calendar last night but had a total fail. Even with the -x option to stop verification.

But then I updated the Client to 0.3.2 with antup client and had total success!

time ant file upload -p -x 2025.zip
Logging to directory: "/home/safe/.local/share/autonomi/client/logs/log_2025-01-07_23-57-22"
🔗 Connected to the Network                                                                                             Uploading data to network...
Uploading file: "2025.zip"
Upload completed in 30.341435956s
Successfully uploaded: 2025.zip
At address: 699cbf4b7663ab0aac2ff32111be740d32fe65fc7fc50e739aa0c616a5b476a6
Number of chunks uploaded: 39
Total cost: 12 AttoTokens

real    2m25.185s
user    0m12.879s
sys     0m12.081s

It would be good to know if the latest ant version is supposed to improve/fix this issue. I asked on Discord yesterday, but didn’t get a response.

I understand there are changes to use the correct EVM host and I’m assuming the metadata payment fix may be related too. However, it would be good to hear about the expectations from the devs.

Edit: fwiw, i uploaded 3 archives yesterday too, all worked first time, with no single file uploads needed. That included a 35mb video file…

…plot twist, that was with my old (last release codebase), self compiled, version of ant though. That makes me think changes to nodes may be making a big difference too?