User run network based on test 12b binaries

So I guess your are using windows on the free instance

I have yet to be charged. I have the notification set on to email me each day there is any charges the previous. No charges yet

EDIT: been running a vault for more than 3 days now and no charges


hahaha are you SERIOUS?! :smiley:

Total stored: 3674385213 bytes. <<<< that is … 3.6 Gigabytes! xD
Stats - Sent 1070000 messages in total, comprising 5151296966 bytes <<< again 5.5 gigabytes traffic :smiley: … since … yesterday

(i just came home and saw that in the terminal of my server :smiley: - give me some time to catch up with the news)

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Lucky you, i’ve only got 3033033139 bytes 3.0GBytes

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Sent 1355000 messages in total, comprising 35250853523 bytes

this is a lot of bandwidth ! It keeps well inside Vultr free trial monthly limits , though ( 31.27GB/3000GB ). I presume we want to really check our traffic pricing :slight_smile:


hmhmmm - 3.9 GB stored :blush:

okay - since there is impressive traffic and impressive amounts of data being uploaded … it is being used … and since it is being used it is being needed/wanted … =)

excellent news for the safe network :sunglasses:


You remember that when a vault goes down the data that it stored is retrieved from other vaults to store in vaults so that the number of copies is kept up.

of course - but someone uploaded a lot of data and still uploads data Oo it gets more and more :smiley:

routing table size: 18 - that isn’t too bad

Managing 70 client accounts. <<< hmhmmm - but what does that mean?

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Mine is 65

Guess people have left their launcher running. Launcher starts but never signed out

okay - that means connected launchers …?

I am guessing really

I’m keen to learn what’s going on here. Can someone help me decypher the vault log?

INFO 09:44:13.335183500 [safe_vault::personas::maid_manager] Managing 84 client accounts.

As I understand it, maid_manager is one of the personas a node can take on as it maintains its network of contacts and routes traffic around the system, is that right? So what are the 84 client accounts? And what does rs:341 signify?


EDIT: I see @riddim and I are on the same page!

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hmmm - okay - because i’m a little bit confused by this number only getting higher (and always increased by 1 when it is increased)

Is it not just a count of the user accounts, whether connected or not?

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hmmm - possible - i just was not expecting the vaults to know what is a user account and what is “regular data”

edit: but yes - for verifying a public signature of some peace of data … you need to know what account (with which public key) signed it … and therefore … it is necessary to manage a global list of accounts/keys - makes 100% sense

I thinks so. Each sector store the accounts of their XOR subgroup. In ours case, as only have one sector, all the accounts.

By the way 3,7GB. stored for the moment.

Ah yes - that makes sense

I would love to have explanations about this too.

Routing table size 18 would make me think there are 18 machines processes connected to the network, vaults and clients mixed. But I may be completely wrong, as suggests the 70 clients figure.

I’m trying to read the vault output, some figures make sense easily, some are quite misterious ! I hope MaidSafe people write some documentation about this at some point.

EDIT - I just read this :

makes me think my idea of “routing table size” is indeed completely wrong :slight_smile:

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okay - i just created a new account - signed in and out and in again:

INFO 10:45:27.602152521 [routing::states::node] Node(24eb35…()) - Connected clients: 1, cumulative: 1
INFO 10:46:00.697588819 [routing::states::node] Node(24eb35…()) - Connected clients: 2, cumulative: 2
INFO 10:46:01.421610302 [safe_vault::personas::maid_manager] Managing 80 client accounts.
INFO 10:46:27.873066638 [routing::states::node] Node(24eb35…()) - Connected clients: 1, cumulative: 2
INFO 10:47:32.009756753 [safe_vault::personas::data_manager] This vault has received 9566 Client Get requests. Chunks stored: Immutable: 5548, Structured: 179, Appendable: 1. Total stored: 4353774419 bytes.
INFO 10:48:13.287200576 [routing::states::node] Node(24eb35…()) - Connected clients: 2, cumulative: 3
INFO 10:48:13.362763942 [routing::states::node] Node(24eb35…()) - Connected clients: 1, cumulative: 3
INFO 10:48:35.690759990 [routing::states::node] Node(24eb35…()) - Connected clients: 2, cumulative: 4
INFO 10:48:37.793565802 [routing::states::node] Node(24eb35…()) Our section with Prefix() has approved candidate 5723a2… Adding it to our routing table as a peer.
INFO 10:48:37.799572127 [routing::states::node] ---------------------------------------------------------------
INFO 10:48:37.801207924 [routing::states::node] | Node(24eb35…()) PeerId(37e90203…) - Routing Table size: 18 |
INFO 10:48:37.801455972 [routing::states::node] ---------------------------------------------------------------
INFO 10:48:38.281050921 [safe_vault::personas::maid_manager] Managing 73 client accounts.
INFO 10:48:44.061619016 [routing::states::node] Node(24eb35…()) - Connected clients: 3, cumulative: 5
INFO 10:48:44.452464042 [routing::states::node] Node(24eb35…()) - Connected clients: 2, cumulative: 5
INFO 10:48:44.780590416 [routing::states::node] Node(24eb35…()) - Connected clients: 1, cumulative: 5

(and yes my cumulative count is very low because my ip is not public :wink: … )

vs[quote=“riddim, post:118, topic:12487”]
Managing 73 client

here it went down again

…so… not only counting up … but connected clients are the launchers (not managed clients) oooooor the managed clients are the clients managed by our subgroup

The Routing Table size: 18 is saying there are 18 other vaults connected to you. The clients are not included in this figure as they don’t appear in routing tables - they’re not used to route messages across the network.

Managing 73 client accounts is giving the number of client accounts your vault is looking after, regardless of whether that client is connected to the network or not. Even if a client is connected to the network, it’s likely not connected to any of the vaults which actually manage its account.

The number changed from 80 to 73 because a new vault joined your section and some of the client accounts were offloaded to it. Only the 8 closest vaults to a given client account are responsible for managing it, so the new vault joining pushed your vault outside the closest 8 for 7 of the client accounts it was managing.

Hope that helps? I need to go afk for a few hours, so I can’t answer any more for a wee while, but I’ll check in later if possible :slight_smile: