User run network based on test 12b binaries

Yes, that’s the little problem in crust which will be solved in the coming release I guess. When they can enable hole punching again we’re done going into our routers and probably see a lot of extra Vaults online as it’s just clink and run again.


okay, now playing this fullscreen with audio plugged on the hifi, without a damn server anywhere. Smooth and wide. Things are getting quite serious with Safe. and pleasant.


LOL’d at the circle!

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safe://download.savage some video clips to download :tada:
safe://memory.savage now including the one and only @Viv
safe://wof.savage the only trusted value predictor on the SAFE web :crystal_ball:


The oracle has spoken, safe web will be $5 in 6 months!! Love it, great work @Josh


Network speed is good for me. Uploading and streaming :slight_smile:


Something in parallel then: safe://new-york.imp
and for Eliza safe://furry.imp

ubuntu@ip-172-31-26-108:/maidsafe/safe_vault-v0.13.0-linux-x64$ sudo ./safe_vault 

INFO 21:22:00.585121246 [safe_vault]

Running safe_vault v0.13.0

ERROR 21:22:02.587425728 [routing::node] Bootstrapping(8a38d0…) More than 1 routing node found on LAN. Currently this is not supported
Cannot start vault due to error: ChunkStore(Io(Error { repr: Os { code: 11, message: “Resource temporarily unavailable” } }))

Well that screwed my idea of running a bunch of AWS instances - Maybe I could choose instances in different regions?
eu-central-1b is already occupied - or is it just 35.157.19.nnn?

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No because my aws instance is

Just close the instance and create a new one till you get another ip address. BUT I think there is an option to reallocate the IP address

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Your TOS videoclip, at 00:15:
What do you know, looks like dr. L. de Jong’s complete set was used for set dressing.
Or maybe they were blank printers’ dummies?
If reprinted ISBN is 90-12-08220-X   :dark_sunglasses:

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My node ( seemed to have become partitioned from the rest, so I had to restart it with just @Southside’s IP in my hard-coded contacts. I had trouble re-connecting to just @neo’s node, so you may want to check your node isn’t in a similar position.

EDIT: It seems it was actually never connected to any nodes except @neo’s…


Hmm - possibly we are running into the samr bug that caused the official test to be pulled?
I have 2 AWS instances running - I’ll leave them up for now -

its well past my bedtime - time to crash…

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@michaelsproul thankyou

Restarted node and not as first. I have 18 in my routing table now. EDIT: now over 50

You could restart yours again with the updated seed list (see orig post)

Are both IP addresses in the seed list in the original post. If not can you tell us the IP addresses

must crawl to my pit now…


I don’t know if I miss some costs here, but starting a community network should be possible running 8 instances on AWS. If we pick the t2.micro it would cost $0.017 per hour. Multiplied with 8 and 24 running 8 seednodes would cost about $3,26 per day. I guess it could be done this way:

  • Start 8 AWS instances and add their IPs and port 5483 to the config lists.
  • Start a Vault with the updated config list on each instance.
  • When 8 Vaults online and connected: share the config list with the community.

This way the 8 Vaults can connect without doing any resource proof. They will be online 24/7. We’ll grow the network with our Vaults from home.

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@anon40790172 Of course we can do it for free with 8 people :slight_smile:

I get $3.26 per day too. Approx $100 per month. (actually you can use 7 + 1 free == $2.86/day)

Are not droplets $5 per month each ($40 for 8)

Also I do not see why we would not get 8 people to use a free aws instance


I’m not really a terminal/linux guy so I actually have no idea how to start these droplets (they don’t have the remote desktop isn’t it?). What I learned yesterday is that AWS can be used by me as well, so I like to test a bit with it and maybe have a Farming instance in the future with some friends when Farming is activated on the real network. At that time you’re probably allowed to run more than 1 Vault on an instance. So with 2% CPU use by a Vault (if we already get that high) one could launch 40 of them on 1 instance on AWS. There are costs for using GBs of data as well:

I guess a lot of people will look at the economics of Farming. And a lot will create very big Farming rigs on AWS or other cloud services as things get cheaper when you’re bigger.

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So if I understand correctly, there is no terminal available on aws instances ? Or not mandatory ? I thought you would ssh into these like any server. How do you start the vault on these ?

SSH is your terminal for linux versions and rdp is for windows,

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