US derivatives market/Regulator/Safenet

Hmmmm…Just reading this and I found the Commissioner’s interest, interesting.
Reading between the lines it appears he is contemplating utilising the underlying Bitcoin protocol to aid regulation of the Derivatives market.
I’m just thinking that as Smart contracts etc can operate on Safe (in a better way I think) as well as on Bitcoin - Should we not be nudging him in our direction somehow? I’m just thinking, the guy is already interested in the tech and heads a Govt body. I would think if one govt body adopts Safe then others would follow.
Anyway, just thinking aloud really and I may be off base somewhere.
Edit: My more general thinking behind this is (something Warren has touched upon) that the flip-side of Privacy is that we want Govts and Finance to be accountable to the public…this could aid that.

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mmmmm blockchain :doughnut:

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