What do you mean vs US? Day/Month/Year which makes perfect sense vs Month/Day/Year which is the most illogical nonsense anyone could have come up with.
(10 years of living in the states and that format annoys me every time I use it… almost daily )
topname.subname is the equivalent of dd.mm.yyyy in my opinion.
btw, it is common with software to use the yyyy-mm-dd format because it is unambiguous (regardless of locale) whereas mm-dd-yyyy and dd-mm-yyyy are often ambiguous (whenever the dd is less than 13).
I think the year as a 4 digit thing is less prevalent than we imagine. I See most folk write 13-04-22 or 04-13-22 as opposed to using 2022. So I think it’s all about perception and people’s propensity to shorten things. So we just had 22-08-22 and on the fun goes was that 2202-08-22 or 22-08-2022, we will never know
I have never understood the month-day-year thing mind you, it seems as mental as having sidewalks where pavements should be Incoming
I’m interested to hear MaidSafe’s reasoning but I wonder if it will involve assumptions that will be valid in some contexts, but not necessarily others. Which is why I tend towards status quo (subdomain.domain) which wins based on convention and expectation, regardless of context.
Ah sorry, my comment was just about the date thing. Will need to defer to Jim on the reasoning for domain ordering. I do think you’ve got a good point though about the current system being really embedded in people’s minds. Anyway, I’m sure a good discussion will be had about it.
I would imagine the accepted format was based at least on some of the following considerations:
Functionality - How will the format affect day-to-day use of relevant services and products?
Programmability - How will it affect the programming of the network from the perspective of Safe developers?
Resistance and Acceptance - How much expected resistance will there be from users and outside developers and what level is acceptable? How long will it take for users and developers to make the necessary mental and professional adjustments to the format? Note: After all these years and several promotions, Americans, in general, still won’t use the metric system.
Whether or not the “final” decision will have to be written in stone. Can a pivot be done later if it’s deemed advisable?