Update 14th November, 2024

For clarity:

You are free to upload, and use attos you’ve earned to do so, without it affecting your leaderboard or rewards.

You can get stuck in.


Didn’t figure that out but I figured the following:

If we assume that:

  • the storecost is always 1 atto per chunk
  • and the maximum chunk size is 4MB
  • and I calculated that there has been roughly 266000 attos given out on the last leaderboard

Then the official uploads total is around maximum of 1065304 MB, which is around 1 TB.

If there is 5 copies of a chunk, then there has been about 5TB of upload traffic during the last leaderboard period.

There may have been some uploads by the community, but if you deduct the ones done by a certain @aatonnomicc, I guess the amount would be neglible.

Now, If you have statistics of your nodes traffic, we might end up with a figure that describes the sum of network traffic that was needed to upload that 1TB of data. And that number of course includes the data itself, but then we could calculate some rough number of the overhead needed for that amount, in the conditions that prevailed in this specific timeframe.

Of course average chunk size is probably somewhat smaller than 4MB, but how much?

No pressure on anyone to continue from this anyway. It’s all very speculative in any case.


Total raw storage consumed in this network appears to be around 350 TiB currently, if that helps.


We can also upload via the CLI already! :person_shrugging:

If people want to upload, they can. Assuming they have attos and have their private key env variable setup.


autonomi file upload --help was a bit lacking here
I have set the env variable MM_PRIV_KEY to my Metamask private key

What else do I need, please?

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Above helped me


Is that total consumed or uploaded. 5 to ?? times replication means uploaded data can be replicated 5, 6, 7, … times and consuming that many times the uploaded data

40K nodes at 32GB ea is 1.28PiB raw capacity and 350TiB is 27% of that

None of my nodes are even near 1000 records (1K/16K = 6.25%). Thats total stored, “responsible for” is even less.

Where have I gone wrong with my maths???


I have 10 nodes and quite even distribution from 483 to 1518 records. Five nodes have over 1000 records.

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Seems I may just have different distribution of nodes in XOR space and sounds reasonable.

Still less than 10% of your storage, so that means my maths must be wrong since jim is seeing 27% of raw capacity being consumed

Maybe do a disk usage of your nodes directory and see how much storage all your nodes are taking including the overheads as well. I bet it averages to a lot less than records * 4 MB

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maybe he’s referring to bits rather than bytes? :smiley: … with bits (and all records not only active records) we might be in the region I guess

…or it’s simply because maidsafe didn’t reset their nodes and they are still at 30% storage space utilization from before the network grew a lot …

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