Trouble with creating my own safe network

Hey @Maidsafe,

I’m having trouble creating my own Safe Network. I used Digital Ocean to create a server in the cloud and this server is currently running with 3 nodes, one with --first and two regular nodes. When I try to connect my local node to it however, it gives me an error.

Here is what the error gives me:

cargo run --release -- ##.##.176.134
     Running `target/release/maidsafe_vault ##.##.176.134`
Could not decode ##.##.176.134 as valid IPv4 or IPv6 address.
An unknown error occurred

To learn more, run the command again with --verbose.

Note: I just replaced the first two number goups with ##, they are actually numbers and are within the IPv4 range.

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Nevermind, this is a non-issue, you need to provide the correct port to connect to!

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