An In-depth Comparison of all major Distributed Storage Platforms
That’s a very detailed article. Thanks for posting. I’m guessing from your username you’re the author?
That was a great article, probably the best I’ve read on maid.
great article. IIT is a very renowned institute. Perhaps MAIDSAFE team could hire some interns from there. It is also a world renowned institute to partner with.
Excellent and rather in-depth indeed.
The part of the group size being between 8 and 22 is out of date, I think.
Well, it’s approximately valid for a network with default value for min_section_size (8). It may go higher than 22 if the 2 halves of the section are unbalanced.
Also it’s now called a section instead of a group, but that’s not really important.
Yes, I am the author of this article. Glad that you liked it. You can check out more of my articles here: vasa – Medium
Glad that you liked the article.
Actually, I run my own startup and we are incubated at MIT Cambridge Innovation Center. You can check out us here:
Thanks for the heads up. I will change it accordingly.
Nice article. Great to see another great in-depth one.
Added here btw: