Static site generator for audio - Faircamp

This is excellent - a free and easy no-code way to make a site to upload to Autonomi. Sort your audio files info folders, add some pics, tweak the config file and Faircamp will automatically generate a static website that encodes all the audio properly, adds a GUI media payer and includes some bells and whistles, like download buttons. It works for Windows Mac and Linux. In my dabblings it did stall on one audiobook mp3 (maybe copyrighted?) but otherwise it seems pretty foolproof and ridiculously simple.

There’s a decent tutorial and some example sites, eg.


Very cool! I’ve not had a play with it yet, but I’m wondering how well it would play with the latest sn_httpd out of the box?

There is still no streaming support in the autonomi client libs yet (and I’ve not rebuilt my custom solution from old libs), but it may be fine for smaller audio files. Big files and videos may be a bit slow though.

Edit: saying that, uploading public archives is still very slow going, with lots of retries. I’ve found the best approach is to attempt file by file uploads first, then upload the parent directory as an archive! :sweat_smile: