Statistically yes, also depends on whether the connection was tcp or udp etc. but statistically small data will arrive faster than large data, only just though and as b/w speeds increase then gap reduces.
Just to be sure.
Sorry maybe i was not clear. I’am not asking if small file arrive before big file.
In the two cases we have the same size.
a) small file size = (n * c)
b) first n out of m so again size = (n * c).
So the first n chunks(out of m) of bigfile will arrive before small file.
My assumption is that the bigger the pool of node serving chunk, faster you will receive the file.
Your argument holds - I think - if you don’t care about the order of the chunks of big file. So if any n chunks of m can satisfy your question, then it would seem yes, they are statistically likely to arrive faster. But this model takes no network congestion into account or a limit on the connection speeds etc
For what i was thinking Mojette Transform and SAFE i presume that i don’t have to care about the order.
The devil is in the details but it’s better if the big picture look good…