Some Kind of Mail App or Functionality there?

Hi folks, does anybody know whether there is a mail app available working within the safenet?
Cheers – Lodda

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Yes there will be a mail app. Messaging and mail will be early on APPs as the network makes it easy to implement. The only issue is in the creation of the user interfaces that people like.

I am sure some of the open source mail apps will be converted.

In one of the testnets there was a message app that someone threw together


Ah, thanks, so let’s look forward :slight_smile:


And it has a very similar interface to email systems, it’s very worth checking out if you’re looking for email systems on SAFE.

Would be worth digging up. There were pictures and community feedback that give a good idea about how it works. It was an official MaidSafe demo app too, if I remember correctly


A screenshot (basic Email app) from past test (2017) for you @Lodda



Hi @John, what need I to do to give a try to that app?
Cheers – Lodda

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I’m not sure that email tutorial works with the latest SAFE Browser - it’ll probably stick at the authentication phase. However, I’ve checked with the older SAFE Browser and it’s okay :slightly_smiling_face: .

This is the browser I just tested:

Release SAFE Browser v0.10.2 · maidsafe/sn_browser · GitHub

And the email tutorial app is here:

Release Email Example v0.4.3 and Web Hosting Example v0.4.4 · maidsafe-archive/safe_examples · GitHub

Send me an email on dgeddes1 when you get up and running and I’ll reply.

As @neo noted, there’s more on the way but for the moment you’ve got the above.



Thank you, @DGeddes, I will have a look at it.
So long – Lodda


Great community :+1:

Letting people know about our great tech one humble step at a time :relaxed:


Exactly: One of the aims of safe network is that users are in control of their data, contrary to current internet where applications are in control. For that you need standard formats.


Hi @DGeddes, now I think instead of using an older browser version maybe I should better wait for a new version of mail? :slight_smile: