I set up a trivial site safe://pies last night using only the network app and browser.
I opened the browser, typed safe://pies into the search bar.
Got the message that no-one had registered this site, would I like to?
So I went ahead and uploaded a trivial page and made some edits - All well so far …
Today when I go in to try to extend the site a little I find I cannot upload new versions.
I am stuck on the following screen.
Yes, the local directories do exist and contain valid .html and css…
I did NOT attempt (this time) to use the CLI as I understand the latest browser is incompatible with the bleeding edge CLI.
I will try and see what I can do using ONLY the CLI and a different site name but the same local resources.
There’s a new browser alpha that’ll be compatible coming soon, so hopefully we can scope it out with that shortly. Failing that I’ll try and reproduce this start of the week!
Reminds me of that time I spent nine hours on a bus where I was the only English speaker and I didn’t speak the local lingo either, but we spent much of the journey in very enjoyable conversation. There was a lot of grinning and nodding. I’ve no idea what it was about, but it was a lovely way to spend a day, despite the people and mud roads and ‘exciting’ driving experience. I imagine an afternoon in @southside’s company would have something in common with that, him feining non-comprehension of my uttertings, but high fiving whenever ‘safe’ was detected on the vocal stream.