Would apply this to our Demo App, but I ran out of puts on that account sad… wish we could transfer ServiceNames that we owned to the new Launcher accounts we make. Anyone know the plans for that?
I feel like it’s a bit of a test for the community, like there’s lots of obvious potential app ideas and MaidSafe sits back and let’s the community slowly figure them out
I feel like a mouse that got to the end of a little maze lol and very excited for more!!
I mean, I joined the community and downloaded the launcher this week, so unless the launcher on the website is out of date, then I should have the most up-to-date launcher.
Someone asked me today about the status of secure email through the SAFEnetwork. I know a few people have talked about the possibility of building various encrypted messaging SAFE dApps. Does anyone have a good sense of the status on any of them? Thanks!
These sort of APPs are prob seen as the more trivial type of APP and people are waiting for beta before trying again since things could change in the API etc.
So my guess is “stay tuned” SAFE mail will be coming in many flavours. As well as multitudes of messaging and chat APPs. After all its trivial to have end-2-end encryption on SAFE since its basically done for you.