Looking to make the ultimate all-in-one tutorial site for getting new people into developing web-based apps for the SAFE Network. It’s been a great little project as I continue to work with safe-js for the safe-fs / appstore web versions. So far only the 1st section (auth) is complete)
As I work I always have the urge to bring the learning barrier down as far as I can for everyone else in the future, so the whole world can convert to SAFE as easily as possible and the most people can benefit from using and creating with it.
Here’s the github repo, very open for suggestions / PR’s on the newest features.
Note: you can only access it through SAFE right now (SAFE browser), which is on purpose so that the examples (auth popup in launcher, etc) can function correctly
Nice idea! @ could the Admin get rid of this archaic 20 character limit, it seems ridiculous to have to type such long winded replies about walking in nature and visiting the parents and taking tea etc just to fill out 20 characters…
Hmm I’ve been testing it frequently, I usually only get that error if I don’t have the launcher running (which is still a requirement until authenticator gets built in to the browser)
Hey can anyone confirm if my site is working for them in the SAFE Browser yet? because it looks fine on my end but a few people have been having problems (css etc)
yes it works fine when I used the latest launcher 0.10.0 - I had an old symlink that pointed to 0.8 that I forgot to modify when I grabbed the latest launcher.
Sorry to bother you - now raring to get tore in.