safeLauncher can not connect to network on windows

On which port does the launcher try to connect?

I try now in Windows without problems.

Have you give firewall permission?

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I had to restart my computer. Now it works

How weird you need to restart windows to get things to work… :smiley:

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The problem is the network in my company. Only port 80 and 443 are allowed to connect outside.
At home it worked -8after restart). In my company it does not connect.

Which port does safenet use?
Working behind company firewalls is common. Opening thie firewalls for a service is always a big problem.

It randomises the port, but you can set a fixed port if you wish. That allows you to have port forwarding etc. It also uses UpNP etc. to help automate that. The crust-config is the file to change that setting. Eventually there will be a helper program I think, but for now it’s just a case of editing the file manually.

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Thanks for the information. But that sounds complicated. If safelauncher does not runt behind a firewall - without further configuration - then it will not be used in any company.
Our customers are big companies (BASF, RWE, …) It is nearly impossible to open specific ports for an application there (for every user in the network).

One possible solution would be an additional proxy for safe launcher. This proxy could be installed anywhere in the network or even outside listening on port 443. The desktop launcher would be connected to this fixed address.

For apps/launcher you should have no worries with outgoing connections, vaults are different as they need 2 way comms, so that means NAT traversal/forwards etc.

For client apps though they are establishing outgoing connections. It is possible to disallow those, but it would also be possible to find only bootstrap nodes that use know ports such as 80/443 etc. This is perhaps something worth considering further as we roll out.

Thank you, this sounds promising. It seems to me that you at MaidSafe know what you are talking about.

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