Hi everyone, I think some of you will find this useful.
SafeEditor (alpha network) is a safesite that allows you to edit your Safe APP files directly from your browser (tested in Chrome and Firefox).
How it works
- The editor needs to pretend it is another APP in order to access their files. Enter the information of the SAFE app you want to access. For convenience I default to SAFE Demo App, this allows you to edit any file you uploaded using the demo app, this include your safesites.
- Press the “authorize” button.
- Now you can create, edit, and delete your files and folders as you wish.
What I wanted with this is to create a basic set of feature I can improve overtime. I kept the code very simple and straight-forward which allowed me to get things done quickly but comes with a few limitations.
- Navigation is slow. Every time a change of folder is made the content is taken from the network, there’s no caching.
- Files are not stored locally, switching to another file without saving your changes will discard them.
- Only one file can be loaded at the time but you can load the editor in different browser to edit multiple files.
- There’s a few graphical glitches when things overflow.
There’s one potentially dangerous behavior you need to aware of. In order to update a file, it needs to be deleted first and then recreated. If you close your browser before the process is complete you will lose your file. Watch the little blue “busy indicator” to know when the saving process is complete.
As you will see there’s a lot of room for improvement, post features you would like to see added here, I’ll see what I can do.
That’s it, happy editing