Streaming will be possible I read in another thread. Maybe not in the first client version, I don’t know. But one big advantage is that downloading files from the SAFE network is free without having to share bandwidth with others, because the farmers provide the bandwidth. EDIT: That’s excellent for mobile devices! Such as tablets. And the files are directly accessible unlike BitTorrent which is still a bit complicated for end users I guess.
We don’t need to make it more complicated than that.
It is nearly impossible to safely store bitcoin keys, credit card numbers, personal information or anything other data of value in today’s internet. Those things are stolen in mass everyday from lots of servers… With SAFE it will be easy to store those things – and nearly hackerproof unless they target you specifically…
Buyers and sellers of prohibited items is what arguably caused the bitcoin boom. The fact that anonymous e-commerce will be orders of magnitude more secure, faster and simpler on the SAFE network than it is on internet 1.0 leads me to think that this is thee ‘killer app’.
Anonymous BitTorrent, where there are rewards for uploading content is also gonna be BIG!
Because there is not a real alternative, there is nothing that gives me the kind of comprehensive security that maidsafe will and until I get that solution I will stay with the functionality.
Your point depends on maidsafe and the existing “crypto alternatives”, which I note you have not named, being equivalent. In my view nothing I have seen, not even Storj or Ethereum comes close to the SAFE network
I guess VPN, Proxy & tor could do similar, but it sounds like using the Safe network will be incredibly easy, which would open up these benefits to a far wider audience.
@dallyshalla has been working on the SafeX protocol for some time and I believe has it ready to go, except for any API adjustments which will be needed as that’s finalized. He’s also been working on the front end of an exchange. See Life Is People episode #45 for some of his early graphics on this.
The messaging protocol is built into the network. The front end will have to be developed. Think along the lines of an email client (thunderbird, outlook) interacting with the server via the protocols (smtp/pop3/imap). The server and protocol functionality is built in, and the clients will be the APPs that I’m sure will continuously evolve.
Wasn’t it established somewhere that Safenet connections will inevitably have latency of approximately a quarter of a second? If true, that would pose a serious problem in getting people to use safenet for voiced conversations.
I think file sharing could go either way. On the one hand, torrenters using vpns/proxies/seedboxes as well as users of other paid methods of file sharing would of course benefit from safenet, but only if other file sharers do so. Because of safecoin, the safenet does have the advantage over apps like bittorrent and I2P in that safenet can attract investors and miners looking to get paid and grow it’s network that way, where as apps like bittorrent and I2P rely on altruistic/activistic incentives to grow their networks, thus they don’t or their respective network is severely flawed. On the other hand, file sharers using safenet for their sharing could be seen as trying to profit from their file sharing, a real sore spot for the file sharing community IIRC.
Using safenet as a free dropbox (before safecoin is treated like currency) for all of your data is an easy sell for power users who care about securing their data, but that’s not a lot of people and those people are going to be the group of people who possess the greatest ability to wear down the network, at least if no ongoing storage costs remain a thing.
That said, as I’ve said many times and will say many more, the safenet’s first and perhaps best use is as a free back end service for software companies. They’ll bring in users who won’t drive put prices through the roof, and if they’re successful enough, they’ll be big enough whales to protect the network from crashing or something and they’ll have the economic incentive to do so.
@neverending_manga Is there no incentive to delete data from the network?
When you say “a free back end service for software companies” do you essentially mean a secure method of data storage for such companies or is there more to that idea?
AFAIK that hasn’t been established per se (would like to know more though) as it’s pretty difficult to know how a network of millions of vaults across the world would work in reality. I remember reading recently though that streaming HD movies was possible on a recent test version of the network.
I think having the network as a backend secure storage that can also be used as a database for front end development will be a huge selling point for the network as far as institutions/governments/etc. are concerned.
The value of having your customers data secured more so than a traditional server, having that data storage easily scalable, and also having a simple way to interact with that data via front end UI’s is a huge draw for large companies…