Safe Network vs Everything

Post Date: 2018-7-12

Safe Network is the single most expansive and ambitious network software project since the creation of Arpanet by the United States Department of Defense which led to the internet we have today. There are probably many ways in which Safe Network can be defined. This is my attempt to simplify to an average user what puts Safe Network ahead of basically every other technology in the crypto space. There are many technologies that compete with some aspects of Safe Network but nothing that competes with it as a whole.

Speed: 10s Million Tx (scale with node quantity)

- Outperforms the following technologies (consensus algorithm only, too many CCs to list)
      Blockchain - Proof of Work: Requires Clustering and Sharding for scalable competition
      BlockWeave - Proof of Access: Requires Clustering and Sharding for scalable competition
      Blockchain - Proof of Stake: Requires Clustering and Sharding for scalable competition
      Blockchain - Delegated Proof of Stake: Requires Clustering and Sharding for scalable competition 
- Competes with BlockDAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) derivatives (Actual CCs listed) 
      Hedera - Hashgraph (BlockDAG)
      Byteball - (BlockDAG)
      IOTA - Tangle (BlockDAG)
      Radix - Tempo (BlockDAG + Temporal Proofs)

Open Source: Yes

- Outclasses the following technologies 
      Hedera: Hashgraph (BlockDAG)

Fully Decentralized: Yes

- Outclasses the following technologies
      Blockchain - Proof of Stake
      Blockchain - Delegated Proof of Stake
      Tangle: IOTA (BlockDAG): (Iota planning to remove Coordinator Node, timeframe unknown)

Integrated Privacy: Yes (core Technology, not apps)

Integrated Anonymity: Yes (core technology, not apps)

Automatic Consensus: Yes

- Outperforms the following technologies (This is debatable because some like involvement, I'm lazy)
      Blockchain - Delegated Proof of Stake: (User picks respected validators through community polls) 

ASIC: Not Required

- Outperforms the following technologies 
      All Blockchains: Very few are ASIC resistant and not worth mentioning 

Hardware Range: Win/Linux/Mac PC, (Win/Linux SBCs & cell phones Planned after Alpha 4)

Energy Usage: Low

- Outperforms the following technologies (consensus algorithm only, too many CCs to list)
      Blockchain - Proof of Work: Very High
      BlockWeave - Proof of Access: Medium
      Blockchain - Proof of Stake: Very High
      Blockchain - Delegated Proof of Stake: Very High
      Blockchain - Proof of Stake/Work + Sharding: Very High
- Competes with BlockDAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) derivatives (Actual CCs listed) 
      Hedera - Hashgraph (BlockDAG)
      Byteball - (BlockDAG)
      IOTA - Tangle (BlockDAG)
      Radix - Tempo (BlockDAG + Temporal Proofs)

Integrated Encrypted Cloud Data Storage: Yes

- Outclasses the following technologies/services
      Sia - Blockchain - Proof of Work: Not Integrated Solution, Too Slow
      Storj - Blockchain - Proof of Work: Not Integrated Solution, Too Slow
      All BlockDAG/Weaves: Storage at scale capability not present
      Dropbox: No Integrated Zero Knowledge End-to-End Encryption
      Google Drive: No Integrated Zero Knowledge End-to-End Encryption
      Box: No Integrated Zero Knowledge End-to-End Encryption
      Amazon AWS: No Integrated Zero Knowledge End-to-End Encryption
      Microsoft Azure: No Integrated Zero Knowledge End-to-End Encryption 
- Competes with the following Services
      Spideroak One

Integrated Encrypted Cloud Computation: No (Planned After Alpha 4)

- Outclasses the following technologies
      All Block:chains/weaves/DAGs (see exception below): Process too slow or unavailable 
      Most Cloud Rendering Services: No Integrated Zero Knowledge End-to-End Encryption
      Microsoft Azure: No Integrated Zero Knowledge End-to-End Encryption
      Amazon AWS: No Integrated Zero Knowledge End-to-End Encryption
- Competes with the Following Technologies
      Golem - Ethereum(Ethash) Network, Blockchain - Proof of Work

Application Building Simplicity and Accessability: ??

  -Outclasses the following technologies
 - Competes with the following technologies

Technological Readiness Levels (Current Market Viability): 6/9

- Estimations, More Research Needed
      Blockchain - Proof of Stake/Work + Sharding: TRL 2/9
      Byteball - (BlockDAG): TRL 4/9
      IOTA - Tangle (BlockDAG): TRL 4/9   
      Radix - Tempo (BlockDAG + Temporal Proofs): TRL 4/9
      BlockWeave - Proof of Access: 7/9
      Blockchain - Proof of Stake: 8/9
      Blockchain - Delegated Proof of Stake: 8/9     
      Blockchain - Proof of Work: TRL 9/9                     

Safe Network is in an extremely good position. It’s closest competitor seems to be Radix, but quickly falls to the way side when comparing the storage
***This Post is still cooking and is subject to major updates so please standby


Careful with your edits. If I remember correctly you only get 30 edits.

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Yikes, thanks for heads up Neo!

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Nice compare Bargo_d !

How is the TX-rate limited by the block creation algorithm? you could put millions of TXes into one block. It’s an arbitrary limit in Bitcoin of 1MB (or BCH’s 8MB? limit) of TXes per block, you could get much higher TX/s rates by increasing the blocksize. The actual limiting factors are the computation power, storage and the network bandwidth of the nodes doing the mining.

But the SAFENetwork makes it scalable for the average person by sharding the load. A blochchain node would need to build a cluster to be able to handle the load.


ok thanks, I replaced tx quantity with the following statement “Requires Clustering and Sharding for scalable competition”.

Well, It looks like I’m gonna have to abandon this post and make “Safe Network vs Everything v2” because I’m about run of available edits, unless an admin will grant me more. Thanks for feedback and support!

I don’t think we can unfortunately. If you post your new version here we can move it up the thread though, if that would work?

Ok, so is it that every post (even the replies) have a 29 edit limit (couldn’t actually do the 30th)? because that might work. I could get all the feedback and actually get some half way decent comparisons. When it gets to a satisfactory level I could repost as new topic? And I’d be happy to acknowledge all the people that helped me along the way.


Ok nevermind, it doesn’t look like you can edit replies. In which case, I would have exactly one shot to get the post right and that doesn’t seem like it’s going to happen and each time I reply, it will make this thread messier and messier. I will do a new post, but first I need to sleep :sleeping:


What is best is for you to create a new topic with the updated content when you have it closer to being done and we can close this one. Just PM @moderators when you do it.

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Even better would be that you make a web page somewhere and reference it here.

Reason is, while you want feedback from this crowd, your main audience is those not already devoted believers like most of us here are likely to be!


something like dynalist might be a good way to present this sort of information

Perhaps this topic could be turned into a wiki?

Regardless, it’s hard for me to imagine how can non-existent SafeNet’s computation layer compete with Golem and outperform Ethereum?

The Roadmap for Safe Network is clear enough Safe Network
Any product that is empowering users with tools that provide security; privacy; freedom; and autonomy, are most welcome… there’s plenty of room and enough users on the planet for many to succeed. I doubt Ethereum as it is will be one but who knows… some people like gentrification :wink:

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This is the older list. Please go to the update version of this list on forum post “SAFE Network versus (vs) Everything (v.2)” which has a link to Dynalist so updates don’t have number of edits limit.