SAFE Network strapline suggestions

The SAFE Network Share your drive

Can be interpreted as…

Share your hard drive.
What drives you?
Share your drive to do things a better way.
Have you shared your drive? etc.



Your web. Your way.


The SAFE Network: Intimité; Sécurité; Liberté

Privacy; Security; Freedom, in French - I tried Latin but that’s little different from English.

The SAFE Network: Liberté, égalité, fraternité

Obviously that taken from French for “liberty, equality, fraternity”, and while it is the national motto of France, I rather like it. It has good connotation and rather expresses natural sentiments behind SAFE too.

The SAFE Network: Freedom to explore a new world.

Giving a sense of the opportunity that having SAFE affords.

The SAFE Network: Rebels of the world unite!

Just following a thought that one strapline per audience interest might be useful too… and the growing sense of need to rebel against a world that is not sustainable might tap a strong interest in what enables real change.

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“Reach out and touch someone.” (sorry, couldn’t find a family-friendly graphic). :slight_smile:

Another one could be “Change it up”

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Safe Network: Privacy; Security; Freedom
= as anagram =
Supereffective Network: Mayday Orcs I

There are some really good references from the Matrix (of course I have to mention) Quotes from "The Matrix"

My favorites:
SAFE - Free Your Mind
SAFE - Welcome to the real world
SAFE - Never send a human to do a machine’s job
SAFE - See how deep the Rabbit-Hole goes

Safe Network: Privacy; Security; Freedom
= as anagram =
Supereffective Erotic Drowsy Nark Yam

Just counting the likes it seems we have one clear leader …

The SAFE network :- I am glad I just do design and code :smiley:

/me ducks and runs away.


Personally, I think Secure Access For Everyone is the best.

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Evolution | Revolution

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----- The Next Net ------


Safe Network: Surf Soundly

SAFE: Make the Connection

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: SAFE Network strapline vote

SAFE you own the keys


The SAFE Network: Why Compromise?

Prompted by the latest news that there is no privacy : Privacy Shield data pact gets European approval