This topic has been discussed so many times on this forum. For further reading see below for just a few of the places where this conversation has already occurred:
I think there will be a lot of legitimate stuff early on. If we can get a standardized web of trust model on the safe network that apps can plug into then society will be able to see the safe network more favorably. I think having legitimate apps with moderation or WoT will take away from that rhetoric a bit. As a side note, don’t forget how bitcoin got legitimized/popular not advocating anything here but the Silk Road wasn’t the worst thing in the world.
This topic is to help us identify the different kinds of people we want to become users and farmers on SAFE.
Anyone can edit this (once @David - makes it a wiki - please :-)) so please add to or edit what is here, and announce your change in a reply so we’re aware of your contribution.
The purpose is to help us understand who might us SAFE, what their motives are, how we might reach them, and why they will go to the trouble of becoming a user or a farmer.
I hope this will make it easier for u…
So I have a small question. When the SAFE Network eventually supports more space for websites, will we be able to upload whatever pleases us and have no one do anything about it? For example. Would I be able to upload a movie that is copyrighted and not have to worry? I’m talking for torrenting sites too but unless someone develops a torrent client to connect through the SAFE Network. I don’t know. But the general question is: If I do anything illegal but keep it within the SAFE Network, do I ne…
As far as I understand,
[quote]Maidsafe is building a free market engine where people have rights
guaranteed by technological means. It is the epitome of Capitalism. No
government taxation or regulation of transactions will be possible
because both buyer and seller will be able to remain anonymous, and the
units of currency will be untraceable. This anonymity will also make it
impossible/difficult for the government to capture, imprison, steal
from, and otherwise coerce its subjects. …