SAFE Network Client Testing Commences

Yay! Great UI/UX so far - though, I was also confused with “alphanumeric” prompt for keyword (typically means letters OR numbers, not letters AND numbers).

I am experiencing bugs on OS X in the private data uploading of the demo app (public/website data upload worked fine).
Firstly, when I click on “Upload file”, the file window doesn’t allow me to select files and says “Select Directory for upload” at the top.
Secondly, when I click “Upload directory” and select a folder to upload (containing files all under 1MB) it shows the uploading status and completion but then nothing appears as uploaded.


Nope. It doesn’t work on wine. It said bad exe format.

Le sigh. I guess I’ll wait it out. :cry:

Wow, i’m so glad to be able to live this!


This has so much potential (not my site, the project!)

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i think i’m not reporting a bug just saying how the launcher works.
i tried to login with two differents computers at the same time with same account and seems not be multidevice.

Epic day ! I don’t think I can say how much this project makes sense for me.

I send my best wishes and thanks to everyone involved in this. Keep up the amazing work, and we will populate this network with amazing things.


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Here’s a walk through video for Windows 7 /10 users.


Here’s a simple way of finding the URL address for files located on your computer.

  1. Save any web page to your desktop.
  2. Then reopen the saved webpage and the full path address will show in your address bar.
  3. Saving a file to your desktop will also have the same file path.

Below is the easier way to set up .pac in your browser.

PAC Address for Browsers

Copy and Paste this URL ( into the automatic proxy field. See 3:46 in the video below.

Here’s a walk through video for Ubuntu / Linux users.
Sorry about the audio, my Ubuntu doesn’t work well with my headset.


Why are you using wine? There’s a Linux version you know.

I can totally imagine some NSA techie hearing a warning bleeb from one of the PRISM systems right now, him looking at that unrecognised fully encrypted traffic and remarking: “Now that is strange…!”


ok i give up -.-" internet broke down because of an hardware-upgrade in the company i’m in right now … internet via mobile phone 2slow here … at least I played 2048!!! Thx @Scott !!! I’ll try more later on!

ps: ubuntu 14.04 works for me @anon81773980

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… I already tried linux and it does not work on debian 8. I posted it #45.

What happened? I had some success on Debian but have filed a problem report here:


I think everything works as expected here on fedora 21 - at least at the first glance.

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Very nice video and feedback @dyamanaka Thank you! - looks like we will have to clear up the .pac file section instructions and make them clearer, if you had cut and paste the full pac file URL ( into the automatic proxy field instead of locating it locally on your own machine that should have worked as well - but only when you see it from the perspective of someone else, does that become clear. Def needs updating so thanks :smiley:


How can I create a website without my public ID in the URL?

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Indeed, that would have been much easier but it wasn’t obvious to most ppl.

That’s why I point things out.


Re-register another account and pick a different public ID. Right now the interface doesn’t support registering multiple ones on the same account. It’s a test-net restriction, should be lifted at some point.

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I already stated in post 45 and 87…

also, “You do not have permission to view this request.”

Aaahhhh, can’t wait to try!!!


very soon they will be looking for the back door, unfortunately the ants are all over the place


I had success logging in and creating a web page, however my dumb question is how do I browse the pages being created on the SafeNet??

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