SAFE Network Client Testing Commences

Yes there are already android parts in teh code base to get on mobile. There are some questions over RPC etc. to answer but we will surely get to that now we can have more eyes, like yourself :wink:


Thanks for all the info, much appreciated! I’ll withhold from sharing this release with friends for now, after performance optimization and expansion of client capabilities and such the first impression should be much better!


Yes we want to keep it close for now and profile real world instead of our unit tests.


Should have also said, we have put in a couple of 5 second sleeps i the code right now. Just debug for us, but these will of course be removed during roll out. You may encounter some of these right now.


Fun realization: Uploading and hosting a website on a proper domain is now already easier in SAFE than it is on the “old” internet.

1-0 for SAFE! :smiley:


:c it doesn’t work. Sad Shibe.

I guess I’ll try running window version in wine.

Three notes so far.

On installing Safe Launcher,
Windows ask permission to allow electron to access the network. This is confusing. Needs to ask if ok for “Safe Launcher” to access the network.

On attempting to register,
I enter a PIN, which in my mind, means numbers
I then am asked to enter a keyword. It doesn’t take it, and provides an error message saying it “must be alphanumeric”. I carefully retype it, making sure I didn’t enter a space or something. Got the same error. Finally tacked a “1” to the end of it, and it worked. Error should say, “Must contain at least 1 letter and at least 1 number” That makes it much clearer.

In “Maidsafe demo app” (windows os), adding private data
I attempted to drag a file (a picture) into the private data window. Instead of copying it there, it just opened the picture. At this point, I had to close the demo app, as there was no way for me to undo what had happened. It would be nice to be able to drag files to the private area. Failing this, it shouldn’t break navigation if you do try it.


This got me for a while as well. I interpreted “alphanumeric” as any combination of alphabet characters and/or numbers.


Yes, but what about visiting said website? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Can’t wait for SAFE functionality to be implemented directly in browsers.


Happy with the results of this development stage.

Just a point to the nexts steps. I suggest add a Button in launcher saying “Browse the network as a guest” and give the option to do it without create an account. Imagine the people paranoid’s if TOR ask you for an account. I mean, will be very difficult explain to the people that it is not dangerous :slight_smile:


I think the Launcher needs additional help files. It whines too much without explaination. If I’m getting confus

  • What’s the difference between a Keyword and a Password?

Well this explains my next question and I concur it does need a revising of the instructions.

Can we at any point CHANGE our information?

Thats very much the idea. It’s just a limitation right now.

Accessing public data on the network does not need an account and unregistered client will be able to access public sites fine once its in place.


Yes for sure, we need to capture all comments in Jira if possible or github issues in the examples repo. IF you can post there it will be great, I fear losing comments on the forum.


In the self-authentication paper it is described how that can be done, so yes, I suppose!

Yes you can, any of it and you are fine.

Cool. Forgive me for asking stupid questions but you know sometimes these things have been overlooked. And they can be rather important.

No worries we need to ask and test. I have not tried yet, but if not then it’s a bug :wink:


###So freaking exciting.

new gig : http://me.advanced.safenet/

###Bug reports:

  • MacOS, cant upload any file (all greyed out) .
  • MacOs, can’t visualize any uploaded directory (upload works UI-wise)
  • Can’t paste into password fields (bad for when you use a password manager)

I officially have no clue what I’m doing but I can’t wait to get home and try!