Safe auth errors today?

Getting odd errors today that seem centered on auth

$ ./safe auth start
Starting SAFE Authenticator daemon (safe-authd)...
[Error] GeneralError - Failed to start safe-authd daemon '/home/safe/.safe/authd/safe-authd' (exit code: 1)
[2020-05-04T16:06:05Z ERROR safe] safe-cli error: [Error] AuthdError - Failed when invoking safe-authd executable from '/home/safe/.safe/authd/safe-authd'
$ ./safe auth -V
safe-auth 0.12.0

test uploads were getting similar… I guess some change… and pause for now before trying again.


Have you built safe-cli locally ?

I get this with a recent build

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No… got errors did install script again. Not rigorous but impression that it’s failing… I did wonder the connection due to broadband might be triggering this.

If others are uploading and not having a problem, that’s useful to know.

User error?.. replace user??


I was not expecting the AccesDenied Errror. That is not a file I have e ever tried to upload before

what does ls -l backtick which safe backtick give you?

safe -V is imprecise if you have built locally

I’ve not built locally… just the usual looking to shared section. Not to worry expect it’ll come right again… I wonder this one has been up a long while and there was some suggestion they might bring chaos to test it. I keep forgetting password so, trying to create new account perhaps is affected.


Perhaps you can try with safe auth restart ?
Also, you can try to get an status report with safe auth status to confirm its up and running.

You just need to self-authorise the CLI when loging in.


thank you @bochaco


no time atm but getting

$ safe auth status
Sending request to authd to obtain a status report...
| SAFE Authenticator status                |       |
| Authenticator daemon version             | 0.0.8 |
| Logged in to a SAFE account?             | Yes   |
| Number of pending authorisation requests | 0     |
| Number of notifications subscribers      | 0     |


INFO 2020-05-05T06:40:42.738866505+01:00 [safe-authd/] authd instance starting (PID: 10255)...
INFO 2020-05-05T06:40:42.739082525+01:00 [safe-authd/] Initialising SAFE Authenticator services...
ERROR 2020-05-05T06:40:42.740595627+01:00 [safe-authd/] safe-authd error: [Error] GeneralError - Failed to bind endpoint: [Error] GeneralError - Failed to bind QUIC endpoint: failed to set up UDP socket: Address already in use (os error 98)
$ safe auth restart
Stopping SAFE Authenticator daemon (safe-authd)...
No running safe-authd process (with PID 7326) was found
Starting SAFE Authenticator daemon (safe-authd)...
[Error] GeneralError - Failed to start safe-authd daemon '/mnt/vault/.safe/authd/safe-authd' (exit code: 1)
[2020-05-05T05:40:43Z ERROR safe] safe-cli error: [Error] AuthdError - Failed when invoking safe-authd executable from '/home/safe/.safe/authd/safe-authd'
$ safe auth -V
safe-auth 0.12.0

I think this is my confusion btw but perhaps needs to accommodate stupid user, trying to start two or breaking links to them while trying to fix :smiley:

I’ll likely need to do a tidy up later to refresh and start over.

I think you have some old authd (version < 0.0.8) running which cannot be stopped with latest CLI. You’ll have to make sure you kill it/them with killall safe-authd and then you should be able to start authd again with safe auth start


So, this is me being stupid user… reset and all is well…


I too have had many such moments. Good old @bochaco. He has the patience of a saint.


I have that T-shirt. Getting more printed. What size would you like?


Do you ship to England?


For the time being. Once we regain our rightful place in the EU, there may be some difficulties*, but rest assured we will do our utmost to satisfy our loyal customers,

*surcharges may apply.

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