Revised: How To Transform Autonomi Tokens Into Carbon Credits And Help Save The World

Yeah our tech is valuable. And we plan to give it away to people who show they will not abuse it. As for the Giftprenuer program, think of it as something similar to staking. Only you are using your crypto to push a climate mitigation, poverty relieving new economic structure with decentralized tech, especially Autonomi, at the heart of if. Like Autonomi, our tech is for humanity, not profits.
As @Southside said “what’s not to like?”

That is not how it reads from the earlier text.

Reads as donations, staking is not donations.

You probably don’t know but when @Southside says something is good that raises one of the largest red flags.

If your tech is so valuable that you need a patent then it is hard to understand why you would need all donations.

Think of it like the Autonomi node platform. There is no contract to those who provide computers for nodes. Those who choose to be involved donate their computing capacity. Software automatically handles sharing ANT tokens with node operators. Same thing for Bitcoin mining. We will do the same thing with smart contracts and donors who want to green flow their tokens. When the time comes people will be free to examine our smart contracts and system

This way of saying things is where trouble might occur. Make it in general terms and NOT the token. Its not the token enabling this


Aye, chill that chat, the project has plenty merits on the hygiene/sustainability front for “developing nations”^ alone without over-selling the “green feels” aspect of it.

^ I don’t like this “developing nations” notion - its patronising pish from the “West” - just accept we collectively have been exploiting these peoples for centuries and our “superior” development has to a great extent been at their expense. Still, if it makes the guardianistas feel better about it…

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Thanks for all the praise, criticism and other input friends. It is all valuable. The ability to serve is tied to listening. ANTS AND DUNG BEATLES FOREVER!

It’s funny how you say here:

and in the internet computer forum you publish this:
We seek experienced Internet Computer developers to assist in creating the blockchain system to monitor and maintain as well as produce our very own Khepera coin on the IC. Imagine the 4 billion people in the developing word who need sanitation signing up via the Internet Computer to access the device, get the service and get paid. Here are a couple of info graphics to give you a sense of how epic our project is. Be advised we have decided to switch from the Cardano system to the Internet Computer and the updated info graphics are quickly forthcoming:

It seems that you also requested money in cardano $105,000

My personal opinion is that you are a scammer, I hope I am wrong, but there are many warning signs.

You also mention Richard Nelson from NASA, creator of pyrapod and solaroof :joy::joy::joy:. but it turns out that by doing a little research you have confused a richard nelson who worked at NASA, with another richard nelson who created pyrapod and solaroof :rofl::rofl::rofl:… but the latter also does not mention khepera or anything related either on twitter or in nowhere

Something strange to confuse your CTO with someone else and for him to not mention being part of the project anywhere :man_shrugging:


Great findings and as Southsisde wrote.

Thanks for saving the community from another scam. :heart:


Here is a screenshot from a couple of years ago. Bottom half is myself and the world famous actor/director Bill Duke. Top half is Ricard Nelson and none other than the creator of Autonomi David Irvine.
This was a great day when I brought together my Hollywood contacts, my Autonomi contacts and fellow inventor contact Richard. Khepera will be bringing a lot of star power to the decentralized tech field soon, which will push Autonomi forward immensely.

And here is the Birthpod. Developed by myself and Ricard Nelson, it combines my Detritivore Lavatory with his Technology to provide safe and sanitary facilities for women to give birth in countries where they need it. The BioRegenerative substances will be collected by the DLAV and given over to the food growing top of the facility. Then women and children will leave with herbal nutrition packages for birth recovery. Richard Nelson worked for NASA to develop closed loop systems for space. We are bringing this to the places that need it on earth. Autonomi will be utilized to store and transmit health data, which the doctors of the women who use the Birthpod will access for further health care. And policy makers will be able to access collective health data via AI to monitor malaria, parasites, etc. We will be presenting this at an upcoming United Nations event. Autonomi will be on the lips of major policy builders in many nations soon as part of this agenda.

Great, I hope I am wrong, for now I have written to Richard Nelson, the inventor not the one from NASA, to confirm if your story is true.
Now could you explain to us point by point everything in my previous publication to clear up MY doubts?
I don’t doubt that you have spoken with important people and have great contacts, your story is very powerful, all scams are that beautiful, it is logical that many want to collaborate. But I only see that you are asking for funding from different projects telling everyone the same thing😂.

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Um, your doubts.


We are talking to a number of blockchain concerns. Khepera is designed to bring together many blockchain and decentralized tech platforms. Any community that decides to participate as Giftprenuers will be able to generate instant utility by transforming the tokenized commodities they receive into their own crypto currency.
This will also blunt the criticism that blockchains cause climate change by using so much electricity.
Autonomi was always going to be the native platform for daily use and secure information management. You can ask Richard anything you wish. While you are at it ask David Irvine too.

David is not part of your company, Richard is the CTO, that’s why I ask him.

You know I can remember early on in the development of Autonomi David dealing with a number of people like you. At one point he just had to ignore them and spend his time building with other like minded people. I think that is what I will now do with you.

By the way, where can we see the contraption in operation? Do you have any installed?

Presenting this link as a public service…

the Discourse link is a 404 for now -

but the essential info is above - except you can effectively bar folk permanently now - well until 3034 which should be enough for most folk - even the Swedish Standartenfuhrer

Good to know…

However virtuous and potentially beneficial your project is, I have a huge problem taking it seriously past the assumption of:

The assumption that carbon dioxide is a poison and a driver of climate conditions, rather than a follower, is unscientific and is being used as an hysterical driver of global political control.

If you are using it to forward a program which is otherwise empowering of individuals and ecological sanity, I encourage that you decouple it from the climate change boondoggle.

Enabling humans to practice and benefit directly from decentralized, efficient, biologically-sound and economical practices is immensely valuable and I hope your efforts truly lead in that direction. Centralized capture of the monetary, communications and political systems by amoral elitist factions is the main driver of the horrible eco-practice and feudal global technocracy.

Now I’m going to go back and try to better take in what you are actually doing. But I personally am skeptical about the autonomi community jumping on board with ANY such thing at this stage, especially when it leads with an alarmist lead. Autonomi with either enable you to do what you want better, or it won’t. By its very nature and design it will change everything.


Whatever the source of climate change we must take action. And if a community of decentralized tech seeking utility can be encouraged to be a force against the world burning while achieving that utility- all the better for all. Especially for the people in the global south. They are both most at risk from climate change and represent the area where decentralized tech is more likely to take off. Our interactions with the UN supports these needs. This is properly strategic.