Question about Data

At the moment, no, but yes entirely possible. This is the opposite of SAFE which is where individuals are in complete control of all their data. What you are looking for is a different login system we call Managed Authentication. This is where user groups are added and controlled in a N+P configuration where for instance a CEO can add directors, but the directors can get together and replace the CEO and their access. Each level can add more people and completely control what they see and do.

This is part of another set of technology though, but yes very possible. The company that own that is Sigmoid which was created many years back for corporate use and something we have not pursued although there is interest. We are unlikely to progress this though and will likely sell of that technology to further fund MaidSafe through more innovations. It’s all back burner for now though, but yes it is all possible, but as I say it’s the opposite proposition of being managed as opposed to being free. It would suit very large groups of hierarchical organisations. I am sure somebody will take this up at some stage and provide it on top of SAFE, just not likely to be us (or more specifically me :wink: ).