I was challenged to action on this forum, so here it is: I started a notebook/wiki on everything related to SAFE Network, as I am starting to explore it myself, at maidsage.com. It’s an independent, unofficial, and public wiki, open to everyone, and I really felt a need for it. This level of openness is an experiment but I hope it will work out fine.
The intention is to fill gaps, and serve as a guide and dashboard. It will link to many posts on this forum. Personally I will be mainly searching for an in-depth, accurate understanding, possibly from a fresh viewpoint, which may complement the other excellent resources already available for the more general public, but the scope will not be limited and will be up to other contributors. It will not be a place for opinions (we already have this forum for that), but a place for facts.
The wiki is under automatic git version management to preserve all contribution history, and allow recovery from any vandalism. The server is located in Canada. I tried to minimize my cost and get things up and running as quickly as possible, and my time is quite limited, so bear with me.
There used to be an official wiki that I believe was shut down at some point because of stale content. I plan to avoid that and preserve the wiki forever on SafeNet one day (if I will be able to afford the required PUTs :-).
Edit: Received a report of not being able to register. This issue was resolved and tested. The wiki is not configured to send email, so select your password and please do not lose it. If needed, register with a new id or if your id is the same as on this forum, request your id to be deleted so that you can re-create it with a new password.
Edit 6/12/2019: All wiki content including history is now publicly available: GitHub - drirmbda/maidsage-wiki: Public Independent Wiki on SafeNetwork and MAIDSafe.
Edit 6/16/2019: Added alternate language pages for translations. Additional languages can be added on request.
Edit 7/8//2019: Added capcha for signup and a simple approval process for edits to keep spam bots out.
Do you have a route from this to SAFE yet (eg export to static HTML)?
The site looks good, I’m just wondering if you’ve thought that far ahead, or if it is something to think about before a lot is invested in this software.
I was just thinking of running a community vault on the same server, and pushing the wiki to a public git repo. The wiki software is nothing special, just open source; it took one evening to setup and I’d like to keep it simple.
Regular export of static html is a good idea and should be possible using a wiki plugin. Uploading to the alpha safenet would be nice too. If it could be done from the CLI and if it would not be limited by the PUT limits, I would try. Is it possible today to script uploads?
You will still need to deal with PUT limits though. I am at 940/1000 on my present account and have a fresh invite waiting to use. I’m hoping to be able to work around this but we will see.
I cannot (for now ) get Web Host Manager to work so I am stuck using SAFE drive and rsync.
I tried to register as “Sascha” on the Wiki in order to add a missing “to” in "tend to be hard locate “, but I get this error message:
" Looks like there was an error on sending the password mail. Please contact the admin!”
EDIT: When I tried to register again, I got this:
“Sorry, a user with this login already exists.”
Willie, I thought from the Dev forum that you had WHM working? I used it myself the other day (to set up the svelte demo) so it should be fine - exactly the way you stated I think.
I got it working on the mock network. Now when I try on the alpha - - using web-hosting-manager-v0.5.1-linux-x64 NOT -dev I got an error.
Thankfully - or annoyingly - when I tried it again just there to get a screenshot of the error- it worked perfectly.
So good news - for now at least.
But def something weird cos I could reproduce that error several times. The ONLY thing I can think of that MIGHT have been different was I did these steps in this order this time.
start safe-browser from terminal NON -dev
in new terminal tab : pkill -e node && sudo umount ~/SAFE
cd safe-drive && node bin.js
in new terminal tab : cd web-hosting-manager-v0.5.1-linux-x64
Previously I was NOT starting SAFE-drive in between, though I cannot see why that would make any difference at all
I will look into it asap, when I get a chance.
Edit: Please try once more. I have resolved the issue by disabling password auto-generation at registration, which relies on email to send the password. I prefer not to run an email server, to keep things simple.
Yes, I want to create a concise and technically accurate snapshot of where we are at today. First I will incorporate what I learn from the forum every day, add my how-tos, and later I could take up a gating open item.
I hope that sharing this will save time and making more community time available for addressing open items, building on solid common ground.
Corrections and tweaks are very helpful too. Thanks!
The wiki is growing slowly and steadily. I have started numbering major sections, but things are still very fluid. I was also happy to welcome the first edits, which will become important as the content starts to become a reference, but that may take a while.
The history and latest wiki content is now publicly available to the community via Github: GitHub - drirmbda/maidsage-wiki: Public Independent Wiki on SafeNetwork and MAIDSafe. Changes are committed and pushed to this repository daily. I have not looked into how to convert it into pdf or formatted text but what is most important at this point is to free the content.
Edit: And added a special SAFENetwork-under-construction logo.
Edit: Made various improvements for achieving a better readability as well.
I agree based on my own experience that accessibility is greatly improved through translation, especially into languages with different writing systems.
I have added two language options (el, bg) for now using a dokuwiki translations plugin.
There are two caveats:
This wiki is only two weeks old and the content may still change a lot or be reorganized into multiple pages. (I also hope edits by others will make the wiki a product of many rather than just one author, and thereby more worthy of accurate translation.)
Second, there is some risk in that I cannot easily review the content for violation of the basic rules. I will trust members of this forum not to do anything illegal or inappropriate and report any issues in this thread.
isnt there a way of making translations to that wiki a one to one thing? I mean once there is an english version the greek version would have “articles available for translation to x language” where I then can check everyday and translate what has changed/added?
I (we) can promise (to each other) not to move stuff around too often and post here if I (we) do. I think that the structure of the wiki will not change much, and plan to only add information.
However, I am avoiding making links to particular sections because they might break.