A recurring valid complaint is that the documentation is often outdated or non-existent.
Another issue is that there is nothing that non-coders can do to help move the project forward. Engaging with testnets still has a learning curve which may seem daunting to many - Its not that daunting but leave that for now…
Here is a proposal to tackle that and involve the non-coders amongst the community. This will involve repetitive, unexciting unpaid work and downright cut n paste slog. But if you believe in this project, its got to get proper multi-language documentation sooner or later.
We get ChatGPT^ to do the comments for us. output its response in Markdown and various languages and create a body of commented code alongside the actual source code.
The standard of these ChatGPT comments is open to debate but lets move forward on the premise that some documentation is better than no documentation at all. And also that repeated regenerate response
will both train the AI bot and get us better commentary.
The concept is well-received by @dirvine https://forum.autonomi.community/t/using-ai-to-help-code/37761/65?u=southside
To make this work needs a team, which I will NOT head, cos I am busy with scripts right now. We need maybe 7-8 more folk who can devote an hour or two at a time for a few weeks to ask ChatGPT^ to comment chunks of code from each .rs file (for starters) from
GitHub - maidsafe/safe_network: The Safe Network Core. API message definitions, routing and nodes, client core api.. There are 225 files within that repo with a .rs extension. And thats just one of the many repos in the overall project.
There are many ways this documentation could be organised - one way may be to fork the repo and rename each .rs file as blah.rs.md where the ChatGPT output is appended to the code. A very tentative start to that is made at safe_network_AI-commented/spentbook_apis.rs.md at main · safenetforum-community/safe_network_AI-commented · GitHub which if anyone wants to take this on is very welcome to use.
The debate on the errant 0.5% from the initial crowd sale has proved that there are many community members who care about this project - and some possible shit-stirrers as well but lets ignore them.
Here is a chance for those who care but have been unable to contribute so far to play their part.
As of late Jan23 ChatGPT cannot access Github and is unhappy if you feed it hundreds of lines of code so its not quite as simple as saying “ChatGPT please comment safe_network_AI-commented/cmds.rs at main · safenetforum-community/safe_network_AI-commented · GitHub and prepare your response in Bulgarian ready to paste into a .md document” but I am sure a team would quickly find the best way of framing the enquiry to get a suitable response.
Anyway Im just filinging this out there to see if there is any interest.
I cannot and will not commit to doing all this myself- it really needs a team and a team leader who will co-ordinate the necessary work.
^ other AI-bots are available - sadly the one which can access the Internet is marked down as poor on code generation but great for writing PR blurbs