Yeah she told me a few weeks ago that an update was coming.
U guys there? I had a nice video call with him about 2 months ago. Hope he’s ok
Yeah she told me a few weeks ago that an update was coming.
U guys there? I had a nice video call with him about 2 months ago. Hope he’s ok
I´m browsing the forum every now and then and read updates on ongoing projects. I am positively surprised about many developments. In this case I have to say, I am not at all surprised it went down this way. To me it looked from day 1 like an impossible venture for three reasons: lack of funding, lack of organisation and (comparatively) way too high ambitions. Anyway and what´s more important I hope that @we_advance is well up and I wish him the very best. I hope there will be a moment to come back and come clean with his investors.
wow so N99 is now dead and forgotten?
@Zebedee2023 Kind of looking like it come check out JAMS though! Not as broad of scope as n99 but definitely ambitious and achievable
Hello everyone,
Independently from n99 I have started planning a similar, more streamlined and better branded project that would start on the clearnet then transition to SAFE when ready.
If anyone is interested in collaborating, please send me a Pm.
Could you give more details about your plans, what it aims to achieve, how it will be transitioned to SAFE, how it will be funded?
Yes dead no not forgotten. The founder ran off with the cash.
A post was split to a new topic: Veracity-type game
@moderators can we delete n99 from the apps page ?
Obviously there is no room left for this scam on here…
And add JAMS??? Just sayin’
It’s me who manages this website, not @moderators. I haven’t spent much time on it in the last few months, so that’s why n99 was still there. I just removed it
Has someone taken any legal action or is there something new?
Before we take legal action, can we maybe have a good talk with these people ? Does anyone know a way to reach them besides messages on this forum to which they don’t respond ?
we know his name , Tim Coomber , & UK has already jailed & taken all the $$ of crpto scammers , eg: Mintpal scammer Ryan Kennedy so maybe something could be done!???
Yea yea we knew that. The point of @ETR was to work out how to contact him and discuss things as a first step.
First you have to show it was not [EDIT misfortune or) incompetence, which in this case seems to be the most likely situation and not deliberate scamming.
EDIT: Please note that I never intended to say there was incompetence in Tim’s case as there were other very sad and unfortunate issues we already knew about that would explain things. The point of incompetence was very badly phrased and misused as I was just trying to say malice and intent has to be shown first before you can attempt any court action. Reaching out and communication is always the best first step.
I’m pretty sure Tim & Dawn had good intentions. They were genuine and gave it their best shot, but with Dawn becoming seriously ill earlier on while seeking to progress the project, then Tim becoming ill, it’s not been a great time for them.
However, they have not communicated well with people, and have gone completely silent now.
Dawn had planned a communication, but never released it after sending it to me for comment, and now won’t respond to any personal messages.
So I don’t think they are scammers, but think there should be more explanation. They accepted people’s money, and didn’t deliver for whatever reasons. Even though the situations may make their actions justifiable, the lack of communication is disappointing.
Hoping they’re ok, and that they do get in touch again soon, at least to give some idea of what’s gone on, even if they’ve had to stop working on N99.
Are you still around @we_advance @dleight1?
I agree their intentions were not to scam but going silent like this is the worst thing they could have done.
I am not defending anyone, but perhaps care and compassion may be required. If there is illness involved than we should take care to not make that worse. I know this team was depending on an early member of this forum that went a bit rogue, that never went well for them and it was a shame. I suspect the project was in trouble before they got more help, but I only surmise.
In any case, people really should be informed by the n99 team, but there may be deeper issues. If people are in trouble the threat of courts and lawyers won’t help as well as being very unlikely to achieve anything if a project has just failed. If there is financial impropriety then it is a different matter, but proof of that would need to be step 1. I am not big into leading with mortar bombs, but with an outstretched hand and if it is not returned then I find it best to walk away unless there has been fraud or illegal activity I can prove. Here I feel there was a lot of bad luck and that is not incompetence, people can fail for many reasons and it is not necessarily stupidity or lack of ability, it can be just bad luck. The ability to recover from that is important.
I met Tim a few times and never detected malice, in fact, quite the opposite, he seemed keen to help artists and I am sure he must feel as though he has done 100 rounds with a mental mike tyson. You never know though, but I hope everyone is healthy first and can get happy, second. Trying is way better than not and I think Tim did brilliant to try, I wish like many I knew why it failed, but I doubt there is much I can do in retrospect.
Very, very good post @dirvine. Can’t agree more.
People thinking like you (actually, it was probably another post by you) was the first thing that made me know SAFENetwork project, this community, is something I want to be part of and help further.
Very sound.