I’m an investor in N99, but for me personally, this is marked as mismanagement of funds. Please don’t take any legal actions or encourage others to do so. People always have this idea of something failing and keep hammering on that like there isn’t another option. You fail when you don’t realize that you hold a token of a project, you and other token holders fail when you don’t realize that that is your vote and that we should support @we_advance. If this project was really important to you, put your seeds where your mouth is. @we_advance you have my full support even if you screwed up, we all screw up some more than others sometimes.
To my knowledge another project that was suppose to be on the SAFE Network Safe Exchange, didn’t even deliver code yet, but their token is at an all time high. @we_advance biggest mistake imho is not putting his token on an exchange, it gives your project exposure and let the people who don’t support you liquidate their assets.
Way that I see it, this project didn’t fail, we_advance is not a scammer (back in the days this dude was out there constantly making video’s interviewing other people, talking about Maidsafe), please let’s forgive him for his mistakes and help him out. Helping out, means financially supporting him, maybe something like a milestone based development process would help. If we don’t support him, then yes this project did fail, if you want it to fail because in your mind you have lost all your money and there is no other option for you, then be a man about your lost.
I said it before “People won’t even support you with your own token, if you fail”, please proof me wrong and let’s look at solutions and this project moving forward. This guy is an ant, everybody makes mistakes, it’s falling and standing.
Hang in there @we_advance you have my full support (not words, money if you want to advance your project). Live = people, people…
Please not a DAO repeat…
@Lee_Travis thanks for sharing