For the mass adoption of SAFE its essential to people using SAFE sounds obvious - and yet the blockchain btc crypto in general dont have mass adoption esp here in UK - I have yet to speak to one band artist etc who uses btc //crytpo - in short decentralization tech has of yet isolated the very people the musicians the artists for whom decentralization is almost second nature.
One of the many reasons for flying the flag for SAFE via LIFE IS PEOPLE etc is to inform the musicians // artists etc about SAFE. These bands inform their audiences regarding SAFE / n99 on a almost daily basis via gigs etc real word of mouth. People are key to mass adoption a wave of untapped human potential being unleashed. Its 2k16 and it could be easily contested that [esp in western world] that all popular culture is nothing more than exploiting the pre teen market at the very same point in time where there is untold amounts of creativity that is never seen or heard. At the end of the day who want to live in a world bereft of music and art? not me that.s for certain
Developers always welcome - one of the inspiring elements of SAFE = no permission needed the ability for anyone with a vision to step by step to build tools apps.The focus reward the musicians / artists no more middle men, [quote=“Nigel, post:105, topic:8806”]
being swindled, derailed, or halted if funds run dry
All events that are could arise in any given endeavour regardless of having a developer as spearhead and in @dallyshalla I have the best technical advise esp in regards to SAFE. My intent is clear and nothing will over come n99 being built.
We have the tools in our hands that just ten years ago would have been a dream the ability to shape a paradigm of our choosing no more middle men.
No more middle men is an epoch moment in human civilization. where the artists and the engineers and the musicians anyone everyone can contribute connect where creativity is unleashed innovation blooms ideas spread. vs a paradigm where those who want to control seek more and more control where art music creativity are seen as no longer required where engineers are constricted into smaller and smaller boxes. if we don.t reward embrace the musicians the artists the creators then who will?
These are the greatest days to be living in step by step the era of the creative is rising.