Each puppy can have its own data store, web page, and hold various canine crypto-tokens to boost its abilities for its self & future generations, ha ha!
Seriously though, I think the core of what SAFE aims to do will blow people’s minds when they see how it can outperform & supercede many crypto projects that are valued at many billions of dollars. Gimmicks not required, but could be fun, and help get the word out there
This is exactly right. I am not saying we should put Maidsafe resources into marketing. A strong community can get the job done and keep us in top 20 again.
Railblocks has gone to a $3 billion market cap in less than a month because of some good marketing about having the solution around scalibility. Maidsafe has Datachains. We know about Datachains but few others do. An excellent blog by DIrvine on the topic but to a select community. Hence the benefit of good marketing.
What’s stopping you from writing about and telling people? In fact all of us should ask this daily.
What are we doing to market and promote maidsafe.
For me I try my best to write articles and at every single opportunity I have online on facebook YouTube and reddit or on blogs I mention it and I know for a fact my comments and actions have brought people here because they have contacted me and told me.
There is simply too much talk and not enough action.
I can tell people and I do. But I am not a professional marketer and my lack of technology skills prevents me from having a global reach. Railblocks appears to have succeeded in this
I myself have no official skills either but I can type on a keyboard which means I can write articles posts and comments. I also want to start doing videos this year and I want to do something with social media I’m just not sure what yet.
There are many ways to get the word out without spending too much time such as searching twitter and facebook for hash tags like privacy bitcoin crypto currency and mentioning it in the comments.
I also like to drop questions on reddit about maidsafe
Just this morning I’ve chatted to friends on messenger about it, I’ve been responding on reddit and commenting and I’m preparing another medium article.
We can talk about what others are doing until the cows come home and we can discuss what we should do or we could do as Nike says and just do it. Just get on with it.
It’s all good my point is if everyone in this thread who is interested in marketing did one BIG thing each fortnight like write one article, blog post, design a meme, make a video, start a group, arrange a meet-up etc and did daily comments we’d be flying
Getting friends in at under $1 was a good move, crossing above $1.00 has created some buzz. Happiness for the people that bought, ears standing up and pointing this way for the people that did not… yet.
The crowd that understood my explanation of SAFENet bit my hand off asking how to buy, others who still didn’t understand the technology bought because they saw a cheap coin that their trusted friend was buying.
Edit:. Getting people in at under $10 is my next target, but potential up and down movement might be too emotional for large initial buyin for people new to the crypto scene. At $0.40 I was screaming buy truck loads.
Its a scary journey. I always promote maidsafe at every opportunity i get. Many of my friends bought and a few of them did so when it was below .30. The rest when it was .60. Then price tanked and i used to get messages and calls almost everyday asking me how and what to do…
Now the price is at 1 they’re all happy. I am a hero. Bigger than a porn star to a few
I keep promoting Maidsafe. Mostly because of the technology but also to help people financially. I am guessing the price will move and fluctuate. But i think it will deliver.
If all fails i may need to move to Scotland and live with David and Nick. So if they do not wish this to happen they best deliver
Posted this few days back, got 30 votes somehow (so it looks like people actually look us up). 73% rating though. I assume some from this forum may want to downvote but upvotes are welcome!
Shouldn’t we also create something like this to compare other projects who claim to decentralise the internet? Like substratum or sky coin for example?