Preparing a coordinated marketing campaign

Sure do. Very emotive and sure to get the attention of others.


Geez your a talented one :wink:

Keep em comin :+1:

Hey, just a tiny idea that popped into my head, if you’ve got the stomach for it, in addition to nature throw in some of the recognisable authority figures from the last few years/decades that have left the world in the state we’re in and make the message about nature and humanity together erasing these people/ideals.

You know exactly how to bring emotion out in people it’s a very rare gift :hugs: give the ordinary folk these images/ideas to cling to and you’d be on a monster piece of marketing material for the average punter to be drawn to.

Awesome work mate keep it up :slight_smile:


Amazing work…

Cinematic. Am left feeling like there will be a full featured film released soon. Very “Transcendence” like.

…When is the full cinema release. :wink:

…Batman, good the bad and the ugly,… I’m sure I could feel out a few more movie styles in there. Great work.


Can we please officially murder r/safenetwork please??

It’s only hurting our project and outreach.

It divides our already weak reddit activity, and there’s really great content that pops up, and so it has a 50% chance of getting submitted to r/safenetwork instead, and getting absolutely no views as a direct result and being a huge waste

r/MaidSafe makes sense

People hear of MaidSafe (this one has 10x subs!!!). People buy MaidSafeCoin. MaidSafe is making it. There’s no other SAFE Pods who are helping develop the SAFE network yet. It’s all MaidSafe right now and for the foreseeable future. Naming a subreddit won’t change that and it is a very very harmful idea.

Please. We need marketing. Please delete / freeze r/safenetwork until SAFE launches, when there are other community pods making money from SAFE and can afford to staff people / have incentivised people who will run it. It is a good idea after launch but only seriously hurts us until then.

Please please please. Need to make the best choice here for marketing and community growth

this is really how reddit works best. Needs focus

@frabrunelle @SarahPentland @nicklambert etc


And they want to murder /r/maidsafe for the safe network discussions.

/r/maidsafe is for the company and not the project

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Oh really?? Haha thx for explaining :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

But like it or not, that’s the name that stuck in the public eye so we need to adapt

But once SAFE launches and we have a thriving community, by all means. But doing it prematurely harms our project in a huge way and hinders our growth


@dewild you’re a badass. That video was epic, and that’s not a word I ever use.

@whiteoutmashups I get your point on the reddit but if r/maidsafe is so active perhaps we could link r/safenetwork and direct users to discuss the project and coin to there? By loading the r/safenetwork with valuable content like @mav ‘s safe architecture paper and @dewild ‘s videos, weekly update links, etc, then maybe we’ll attract more attention there.


That is the best plan. It has to be done sometime. So why not now when we are just at alpha 2. It’ll only get harder to do as the project heats up. And to think you can do it when the network is live is not clear thinking since you will have a lot more people then used to /r/maidsafe as being the place to talk the network.


that’s not the goal.

The goal is to have the biggest Reddit splash possible.

Can’t do that with a subdivided community

But after we become so crazily over-saturated with people, and have a 1,000x+ bigger community after LAUNCH then something like this begins to make sense

but 100% definitely not anytime before that point

it’s how reddit works. And any SMM honestly


But it is. It’s complicated by the company named subreddit having more followers but that isn’t what would really be healthy for the public view of the network. We need this to seem like it’s backed by a dedicated and competent team (Maidsafe) but not reliant on it, rather community driven hence the r/safenetwork. I don’t disagree with wanting to take advantage of the momentum but the transition will only be more painful later with more momentum. I think with joint effort we could coax existing subscribers of r/maidsafe and new users to r/safenetwork. Where there is a Will with a will, there is a way :wink:


I won’t keep repeating myself.

You can see above that I’ve said this is ofc the goal but also ofc far from the reality right now and splitting the two right now seriously hinders reddit views on the great topics that come up

I’ll stop repeating. Please read what I’ve written,

I really want to see this happen for all of our shared success here


I know this might be off-topic, but the #safenetwork and #maidsafe channels on
freenode are other portals to consider sending reinforcements…
The ability for one to check into a freenode channel, ask a question, and then get a rapid response typically provides a good indicator of a project’s health.

I noticed @whiteoutmashups and @riddim fielding questions there today… good job!

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And honestly Will I am not sure you understand what is being said.

To remain on /r/maidsafe now will mean (guaranteed) that we stay on /r/maidsafe *forever*

Maidsafe want their reddit back. It is the SAFE network not the maidsafe network.

I understand the momentum /r/maidsafe has now. But we do need to change that and to do it now is much better than later.

We can move from /r/maidsafe to /r/safenetwork and it will take 500% less time if we do it now than in a years time.

Its not splitting the two but moving the safenetwork topics (most if not all topics at the moment) to /r/safenetwork.


I completely disagree. No reason this has to be true at all

There’s not only no reason for this, but it’s also completely impossible / unrealistic. Give me one plan to accomplish this that you see working, and we can discuss it.

This whole discussion is a debate between so many ideals and the reality.

You can’t force big changes or create progress without making sacrifices and important decisions. So much good and growth can immediately happen by focusing 100% on our r/MaidSafe community until launch.

My last post on the subject. (at least for a few weeks or so, if no progress is made) for my own sanity haha :anger: :frowning_face:

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Whoa…what was that…the music is awesome…maybe a little too awesome. I likesss…:slight_smile:

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Afaiu r/safenetwork will be the only relevant sub once the swap happens. Maidsafe will probably not be remembered after that. I think keeping both for now is fine but I’d like to encourage people to get out to the wider community (as we tend to only preach to the choir). Casually mentioning Maid in r/CryptoCurrency/, r/CryptoCurrencies/, r/Bittrex/, and possibly r/CryptoMarkets/ (if you’re into that sort of thing) would do us good.


I agree with this. The branding/message/format hasn’t really been consistent or ideal so far.

We have Maidsafecoin, which obviously has Maidsafe in it. We have the Maidsafe Foundation, which transcends the Maidsafe company and the SAFENetwork. Yet /r/maidsafe is being proposed as a sort if Maidsafe company blog with everything else being pushed to /r/safenetwork, which has no brand awareness or substantial readership.

Moreover, every YouTube video or news article refers to everything as maidsafe. Like it or not, the 3 entities - the company, the foundation and the technology - are all referred to as maidsafe.

In many ways, this is great - it is a single word that SEO can easily pick up on as a unique string. Nothing else uses the same spelling, nor sounds similar in the space. SAFENetwork does not have the uniqueness and safe net isn’t even usable, due to conflicts with an existing brand.

My understanding is that maidsafe the company do not want to be seen as the only company in town working with the maidsafe foundation to deliver the network, hence the SAFENetwork name. However, surely renaming the company would make more sense, leaving the foundation and the community to use the maidsafe branding. The branding is far more important for the project than the company IMO and the company can associate itself easily with the project regardless of name.

Unless there are very deep pockets for marketing, trying to change what people call something is near impossible. Think about Snickers vs Marathon for those old enough in the UK! It is much easy to support and push on what has become known and established.

My advice would be to accept that Maidsafe is the umbrella name for the project, welcome that, then push on it and stop diluting the message with a second, less recognisable name. It will do the project, the foundation and the company most good in the long term.

(Posted on other thread too, but same dialogue for both threads).


Maidsafe is also the name of the foundation, which transcends both the company and the project. It is also the name of the project coin.

In addition, every time I write SAFENetwork to communicate with others, I have to write Maidsafe’s SAFENetwork, as SAFENetwork means nothing to anyone on its own. Then it looks like Maidsafe, the company, taking ownership anyway.

I don’t think anyone would argue that the message and branding has been good so far. We can’t afford to keep shooting ourselves in the foot with a weak and diluted message.

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Exactly. So why discuss the SAFE netowork under the charity & company name.

Yes as you point out people know the network project at the moment by the company name. But if we are to get people to know it by its actual name and discuss it in its forum then we need to change over before too many more people get to know it by its wrong name.

So the effort should be to educate people in the /r/maidsafe that the place to be is the /r/safenetwork and then post everything about the safe network in the safenetwork forum.

The longer you leave it in the wrong name the harder it is to get the word out about the SAFE network. They will keep thinking its some sort of Maid hiring network.


At first I had a lot more messaging, but I deleted some of it, because I felt rushed reading it and didn’t want to make the video longer. I had to make a compromise. Emotion ↔ Informative.

To be honest, as is, the whole messaging-thingy doesn’t really do it for me. I realised that after finishing it. One of the problems I have with it, is that it looks a bit simplistic. Though, text-wise I can change the video pretty easily, so if someone has a good suggestion which lines to change (or add) for what, I’m all ears.

Good thinking. I’m already trying to visualize it. Feel free to feed me some of your ideas. :+1: