Silvio Micali IMHO is a genius, almost fit to be mentioned in the same breath as @dirvine
Scotcoin looked at Algorand but were convinced by others that the technology was too immature at that time (about a year ago). Our pluggable solution means we are free to adopt it later when mature. Will we discover tomorrow that Maidsafe have aged it well?
My brain is on speculation overload… what else could be announced?
A big linux distro is colaborating to create the first real distributed OS ?
A large company with a big open and healthy attitude to open source project is donating a workforce?
Acceptance on massive exchanges?
We’ve tested Vaults from home didn’t we? And with probably a bunch of complexity removed from Routing… Why a whole Alpha 3 network to test just Routing? Wouldn’t it be extra work to remove the Vault-layer and test only Routing? I’ll give it a 50% chance they’ll merge Alpha 3 & 4. If not than the one-step-at-the-time approach is probably better. But we’ll see .
I don’t know about all those other points, but I bet the coming (main) announcement will at least get some heads turning and give MaidSafe (more) recognition for not only trying/wanting te be revolutionary, but actually being revolutionary (if they weren’t already). My only hope is that it’ll be big enough for the nay-sayers and the sceptics to say: “hot darn, I underestimated these guys”
What it looks like for me is the routing team has developed a consensus mechanism that allows verifying tx and timestamps in a asynchronous way, and it will be the datachain that connects all the different sections and ensures the integrity of the whole system. Just my guess