Pre-Dev-Update Thread! Yay! :D

Yesterday I saw a tweet from Maidsafe stating something about tomorrow, but now I can’t find that tweet and it’s got me wondering if it was made in error.

Or I’m just missing the tweet.

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The news are not that relevant its only a cooperation with google :grin: joke

This one?

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Why? What’s going on here today ? What news you are all talking about?

@Nigel Link is not working or is that intended? :slight_smile:

So strange I can’t see that one.

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Where is the duck or goose tweet?? cant find it

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The Twitter scammers had a bunch of ETH giveaway tweets attached to it masquerading as MAIDSAFE.

I suspect it has something to do with the missing parts.

Scrap that… I still see it.

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That would be the one!

blockchainers are a wee bit like the pointer sisters …
because only pointers to data (rather than the data itself)
can realistically be stored in a blockchain. :wink: :smiley:


Weird! It works for me but I can’t see the full thread. Sorry guys.

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We don’t need to bother the folks working. We just have to all sit here and be good little SAFE Network stalkers. :wink:


Routing in the dev updates over the last few weeks. Read from top to bottom for chronological order.






These ones are the most interesting IMO:

This work is looking at node added/lost, section split, merge, chain management and purging as well as secure message transfer (inter section messaging).

So on to the good parts, this ordering consensus algorithm for intra section membership changes is nice and modular as well as mathematically proven. This means less code, less testnets (many testnets were to find all the rules regarding order, which have grown in complexity (although works)).

But we’ll see on Thursday. It is great news though, and if you read the last few quoted lines you probably understand why this news is bigger than Alpha 3.


Another interesting part of the dev updates:



The consensus mechanism the world deserves… put that tweet, others like it and some recent snapshots and videos of privacy issues in the news, face book etc… to the dark night theme tune and you will have a winning promo.

Anyone got the media skills?

Is it asking too much to have it ready by Thursday?




Blockchain markets tumble…

As the SafeNetwork announces that they are on the home straight!!
People found celebrating accross the globe.





Hey guys & gals its thursday here and I am about to go off to sleep. I still have to wait 30 hours to see the news. :frowning:

I am going to be the killjoy here and say Please don’t go into over expectation and be prepared for any announcement to not meet your expectations. By the sounds of it, it is BIG, so I am suggesting caution in your expectations.

Heres to the big announcement :tada::confetti_ball::tada::balloon:


Can somebody explain asynchronous consensus and why it matters? I find it hard to wrap my head around it

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Agreement of several nodes/computers who are all sending and receiving messages at wildly different times. Async means there is no stopping to agree one thing at a time, everyone keeps messaging/voting at their fastest speed. Consensus/agreement will happen when the slowest of the required nodes vote.

Plenty info coming on how and why over the next wee while.