Pre-Dev-Update Thread! Yay! :D


It’s really hard to describe what I’m seeing and convey it in a way everybody could understand. Seems like you’re catching on.

Richard Stallman wanted to build OS and applications that respects users freedom. So he build emacs. Emacs is very powerful application that it can be run as it’s own operating system. Anything inside of emacs can be run applications or play games while retaining the UI as the same. Nothing changes the UI unless the user explicit to do so. This way, I could run games, trade, communicate all in the same UI, instead of using application that deploy different UI. These days, every application has it’s own UI. Like websites… Every website provides quite an annoying experience where we all have to search to find a button to access to another webpage. Contact us could be at left column, or top column, or bottom column. We all have to search for it which makes experience unpleasant, and wasting time. Why not allow user make that decision? The best part is about this, devs wouldn’t have to worry about building UI at all if it uses emacs. This principle applies with music, gaming, videos, and other means. Redox is right up in that ally. It could be like… file system UI(thunar, spacefm, etc) blended with emacs, and web browser into one unified application.

If one access to the file via url, the inner-box viewer should display it. Just like how emacs and browser does it…For an example, If one want to run a game AI but doesn’t want to deploy the game. It could open up blender inside of file system ui browser, and see how the ai functions inside of that box viewer.

As I said multiple times in other threads about the emerge of conversational commerce, we all want UI experience to be the same. We don’'t care about how data is stored as long it is projected the way we wanted to project. If we want particular data to be on left column, we want to do so. We shouldn’t have devs enforce it unless users choose to do so.

Redox has potential to become the ultimate personal os. Data are static. Apps are dynamic.

This is where “blur between the lines” that dirvine was talking about.

It’s all about layering, and setting up ways to deploy scripts at certain areas within the inner-box window. Each inner-box window could be sand boxed. We can layer sandbox of the entire file system browser, or layer it in each sandbox. Not all apps has to be sand boxed, and can tax on resources. Layer does matter. Emacs does so brilliantly. It even has a mode that could look html/css live as you type. Very interactive system for users, and it doesn’t depend so greatly like monolithic kernel, and package system.

Thus, my confusion on URL hashing with safenet dns. I personally would like to have safenet dns to be at app level, not core. This way, I or others would build a pet naming system within the file system browser. Users would have more freedom on how it’s labeled. Apps devs wouldn’t have to worry about it majority of the time. They could even share pet naming system config file to users who would like to use default naming convention. At least give them freedom to change the name without affecting the app behavior. This is why I love about safe and ipfs hash table. It remains the same but naming can always change. With linux fs, if one change the name, the app wouldn’t recognize it. Redox could do the same. Another thought was redox runs on zfs, pool system. Each pool can run on it’s own instance, and expand. We can tweak the usage of the each resource buffer.

Lets switch to dns subject, is there a way to view raw data without dns?


One of my rather nerdy claims to fame is that I can touch type in Dvorak. Unfortunately, you guys are mostly inflicted with my typo infested phone tapping! :slight_smile:


I personally like workman keyboard layout myself. It’s very smooth, and uses less usage on your pinky.


Wow this stuff is definitely the future.

People set up their internet window to look exactly how they want it to, and then it just pulls the content from the SAFEbook, SAFEtube, SAFEdrive, etc etc etc.

I can see this making humanity about 3,420,138x more efficient :slight_smile:

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Your talking about Emacs just reminded me that I used to have my own personalized Dvorak layout for it with a small set of non-standard postfix accents placed so that they were easier to reach… I never really got into Emacs, but I did port that same layout to a few other keyboard things for myself later. I’m not really typing on that language anymore, so I don’t need it these days…

EDIT sorry for being off topic :scream_cat:


That’s quite interesting, in that it leads to two exactly opposed scenarios:

  1. The existing, commercial tendency of the walled garden, where the big suppliers such as ITunes Appstore, Kindle, various forms of DRM, and, in the past, AOL, own the platform or in some way establish a beach-head on your platform, and therefore determine what you see and how you see it and charge you for the privilege.

  2. You own the “sand-boxing” platform and therefore have all the power.

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Do you think Redox suited to farming with ZFS/ Docker?

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Yup. Either btrfs or zfs can work well. Create new pool, name it “safepool”, all files will be in that pool. You can plug in more resources by using extended tool it provides. It is be done while os is live, aka hot swap. No need to reboot, and thus cutting down down time.

I have no knowledge about docker. I don’t use it.

Yes. I would love to get away from all of that non-sense, and make it universal. Open garden for all to use. Just build the tool for anybody to use. No more non-sense rebuilding app because of terms and conditions, or disagreements because of license, or whatever it is. We all went through numerous of different apps, and they all serve same purpose. We want to be clean, and efficient. We’re getting there through trails and errors.

Another thing I want to add…
When one is on the forums, it would grab /forums/thread/comment1/version/ and display it on the screen where one placed. In current affairs, it is embedded into his ui code which only lays out at a specific location.

<html> <body> <h1> stuff goes here </h1></body></html>

With new paradigm, we could have a inner-box window act as a new type of dom or some sort, it obtains the data, and shows it at the current window. So we could theoretically respect data as “clauses”. A clause is a new/current mini-tiling window. It is parallelism multi threaded, so we can easily micro-mange the memory. Perhaps, rebuild html file format in a way it doesn’t have to be enforced but collaborated moved anywhere on the screen.


OK, this thread is so far off-topic that I guess the mods have surrendered it. It’s the pot-pourri thread. :slight_smile:

It’s all very well putting a wall around web pages, but inside they typically have javascript as a necessary component and also capable of springing all manner of intrusive stuff at the user. How do you address that?

IDK about that, lots of what we’re talking about (like right now, with regards to changing the UI of the internet) gets supporting evidence / possibilities thrown in from Mr. Irvine so it’s related to the updates

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That just means it’s officially so far off-topic. :stuck_out_tongue:

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The latest safe_vault is failing one test in “cargo test”:


When will a dev update is estimated to be ?

They normally have the official weekly one on Tuesdays but since they have stepped up testing we small updates with software sometimes with new features every 2 or 3 days again. We have recently been given the ability to run vaults and waiting on the second iteration. Approaching Alpha release from all the data I have been seeing. :slight_smile:

When will a dev update is estimated to be ?

Developer updates happen around 20:00 GMT (very approximately) every Tuesday.


It’s Monday again it’s Monday again! :slight_smile:

More finalized vers of Vaults??


There was a big pull in Safe_Vault some hours ago:


There went a weekend :smiley:

More tests today to take better care of asymmetric connections which proved a bit too good. A couple more tweaks tomorrow and a few more test runs and we will see :wink: There is a lot of items on our immediate TODO list atm but things are really paying of with rust here as we can make changes very quickly. So this is taking shape. Tests on Friday were showing instability but today with a few more tweaks they were actually very good. Lets see what tomorrow brings. Adam has a really nice PR for many platform deployment (I know one @happybeing that will like that :wink: )

As we expected these tweaks are ferocious but we are finding a lot of info we could not get by putting it all together in our heads. It really is great to measure the real network and it’s even better to have a community to extend the tests and get us there much faster. Happy, very tired days, but good days.


A PR in Vaults, and they’re linking to config files and installers. So far for the speculation today ;-).

Here’s another PR in Self Encryption:


wake me up when there is some new software packaged up :stuck_out_tongue: